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Comments on the Day to Day Life

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Silly Concerns

Get ready for my usual hodge podge again.   1) The computer is sent out and now I have about a 10 days left till it is back. Can I tell you how nuts I am without a computer?   2) I am working on a project again. I figured I have to do something while I don't have a computer. When asked for an idea of how long was given a clue that works great if typing on a computer but not if you are hand writing. Oh well I will do the best I can.   3) I sent out a lot of packages for the holidays but in



Death of a Computer

Okay, so the title pretty much says it all. The comupter has been acting strange then it stopped connecting to the internet. Most likely a week without it. SHH. I am already having withdrawal systems.   Unfortunately won't be posting the last chapter of Seeon until I ... Oh yeah have a computer again. I will be posting messages and I can respond to notes on the site, but I don't even want to admit how long it took me to type this out on my phone.   So I am sort of on a forced break. All that



A Story is Loose

Okay, so I think every writer I know has one. It is that story you keep going back to you. Eventually you find someone who you will share part of it with but you just know it isn't done and you keep going back over it, and over it, and oh yeah, over it.   Meet my story, Fates of the World. I've only been writing it, for .... the last seven years. lol. It is one of those I write really hard on then stop go over it, rewrite it, toss out sections, begin again, finish it, toss out the ending, go



Christmas Gifts

Okay get ready cause this is going to be a quick but wild entry. First off I got a few gifts for holiday. Two of them were from people here on the site. It would be remiss of me to not to thank them, and I have. How can you go wrong with cook books or collections of comic books if you know me? They have good taste is all I can say.   The gifts from my family, well lets just say that they were lacking. Who would expect that the oddest gifts, the ones you don't know what to do with, you know you



Some Special Thank You's

First to Graeme, Lugh, and Cia who worked announcing, planning and helping to get the Anthology together. Their hard work makes the stuff us writers do look so much better. They start a year in advance with getting the ideas together, having people vote, and then work it over till it shines, before it is given to us writers to put our own spin on it. Then they create skins, double check the work, and make it all go together smoothly.   Then to not only those work behind the scene deciding who



Missing Stuff

I never claimed to be on top of everything. However, this year I swore I wouldn't be behind the eight ball when it came to Christmas. I bought things all year long. In fact, i even bought a few things that I could use, just in case.   So now we skip ahead to today. i did my Weight Watchers meeting (I gained a pound but I consider that good considering what is happening in my life at the moment), went to get my license and found I still didn't bring enough stuff with me to prove who I am and ho



Facing Facts

Alright tis the season and all that. I know I am not the only one dealing with the holidays and problems too.   This week I lost a friend in a senseless accident. Sort of makes you stop and look at things. Then while I am in that raw sort of state another friend is dealing with an impending death and I know it is making his life hard.   The day after the accident I get a message from someone I had become close to. Alright, someone I had fallen for if I am going to be honest with myself, and



Writing took forever but ....

Between being sick, working massive hours, and trying to keep up with my own stories, well I've fallen a bit behind. I do apologize. I won't even get into the holidays, the cooking and the rest of it.   For most stories on GA I've gotten smart. i write the whole story out, beginning to end, hand it over to my editors and betas, and let them go to town. That way when I say I'm going to post every Monday, Tuesday, or whatever, I can do it.   However, I haven't been able to do that with Acciden



A Thanksgiving Wish

May your turkey be juicy, Your taters have nary a lump, May your side dishes make no one woozy, while your desserts make everyone jump, and may your Thanksgiving dinner not go to your thighs forcing you into a new pants size.   Happy Thanksgiving one and all.



Missing pieces

Okay, I've been a little erratic lately. Sort of comes with the territory of growing up I think. Funny, most people can blame their issues on their mates, their children, hell even their pets. I don't get those outs. lol   I just found five Thanksgiving cards I forgot to mail. I feel like an ass but still putting them out in the mail. I have bills waiting for my paycheck to come in so I can I send them out. Feels like all I do is work to see the money go out. I think it is that time of the yea



Holidays - meh

Okay, so we sit a week before Thanksgiving. I'm sort of confused but I think at this time of the year it is is normal. I work full time in retail. That means I am supposed to get no less than 32 hours a week. In fact the latest thing to come down is all full timers will have 36 hours a week. Well they keep scheduling me 30 hours and I have to find ways to add the two hours in so I stay full time or I lose my health benefits.   Well next week is Black Friday. i work in one of those wonderful co



Things are getting done - sort of

Well the Thanksgiving cards are out. I bought my Christmas cards. For me that is a major step this year.   I have my father's birthday card and gifts. Still trying to figure out what to do about Christmas for him. I forgot my sister-in-laws birthday. I wonder if that makes me a bad person? Anyway I ordered off Amazon, and sent her card out. All I can say is Oops, I'm human.   I posted Seeon yesterday, partially because I was having a bad day and partially cause I know the site will be down




Okay this is literally what I have as my check list this week.   1) Complete Chapter 29 of AH - Done. In fact it is one of the longer chapters. I'm nearly done with 30 now. Thank goodness.   2) Complete work on Seeon - We have successfully broken him up into chapters, expanded upon areas that were weak, and he is going for his last look over by the editor now that the beta and I have cleaned him up. Hopefully I will be posting chapter 1 later today. Remind me that prompts are supposed to be



Prep and Execute

Okay, so it has been a busy month. Oh yeah today it just day one. LOL. Let me explain. First, Happy Birthday Mark. Now I screwed up and didn't get his gift out in time it seems so he didn't have it today. The joys of dealing with many different postal services. But that just begins it.   This month I have family birthdays - my sister-in-law, and my father. Various other friends, oh and any international gifts I plan to send for Christmas I was told by the post office to make sure were in the m



The Countdown is On

Tomorrow is Halloween. I'm closing, or to be more accurate I am working a midnight release of another crappy video game at my damn store on Halloween. i don't know if my car will be egged, people will be in costume or what. All I do know is i can't get dressed up. I'll just be my boring old self. Unfortunately with the hours I had this weekend I didn't even make a holiday party at all. I made it home late tonight and missed the start of my show, Once Upon a Time.   Anyway, the countdown is al



I'm Dreaming of a White Halloween?

Okay, so here we are just two days away from Halloween. I mean you should walking outside, enjoying the falling leaves, the colors still changing, and air beginning to a sharp nip to it.   Mother Nature however, has other plans. Today we are getting a snow storm. Let me correct that, there is a snow storm five miles north of me, I'm getting rain and hail.   I have friends who still live up in Connecticut. They have been without power, buried under snow, no heat, and all the joys you might ex



Update on the Weight.

Okay so I don't care who you are what you are trying to accomplish but sometimes things go astray. I'm human. I do things I know I shouldn't. For the last two weeks at Weight Watchers I gained. It wasn't huge, only .6 lbs a week, but after two weeks that was 1.2 pounds I had put back on. The reason, I simply wasn't careful.   So moving on to this week. I've been working more, running like an idiot all week, and oh yeah no sleep. So I wasn't exactly expecting to see anything on the scale this w



Damn Prompts

Yes, you read that right, I said Damn Prompts and I meant it. The problem is I create the suckers now. I felt I should use some ideas for stories I had but just hadn't had time to get to. Smart idea, right? Wrong.   There is a reason some of these things have launched much longer stories than just the small page to two pages stories they should. My real complaint is that I read Cia's take on one of my prompts and felt inspired to go ahead and write my own take on it. I loved her interplay wit



Waiting and Wondering

First the waiting. I am as bad as anyone else when it comes to stories. I hate waiting. I have had to do it often enough. Stu has a wonderful story, Seeing Double, that had a few months between chapters. I know because I have been waiting for the end like everyone else. I presently am keeping everyone waiting because I am still trying to get things back from my editor and beta for Accidents Happen. I had hoped it would be done by chapter 30 but realize it will now drag on for one more chapter.



Back to the Grind

Well my vacation draws to an end and I realize I got a lot but not everything I wanted done. However I did get to relax and didn't over do anything. I also got to enjoy the fair this year so really not a bad vacation at all.   I have finished up one and half of the last three chapters of Accidents Happen. Tomorrow after one more look over I will send it to my editor and beta. That in and of itself is major for me. I have begun work on my next major story, the expansion of my summer Anthology p



Small Blessings

Every once in a while things come along that excite you or make your life better. Sometimes it something major - a new car, a new outfit, or a new lover. Sometimes it something small - a card, money found in the pocket of a jacket, a phone call that makes you smile.   Lately I have been blessed. I am not sure how else to put it. Things in life rarely go as one would hope. There are obstacles that pop up, things you need to overcome, and more often than not - your own stupidity to correct. I kn



Finishing Everything

Ever feel like you are so far behind you might never catch up? I get that way occasionally. I mean, well, it seems my life is going on without me and now I have to try to play a part in it. I don't know if that makes sense.   Anyway, I got a lot accomplished today. Chapter 27 is in the hands of my beta and editor. I'm working on 28 and nearly done. I guess you can say I am not the world's most patient person so I published Red ahead of time. That only leaves one more chapter. With the way I am



Riverhead County Fair ... Finally

Today was finally the Riverhead County Fair. I managed to get out to it and had a nice time. There were quilts, cakes, cookies, and other goodies that were entered into contests that I walked around and looked at. There were also fields of funnel cakes, apple fritters, sausages, kielbasa, hot dogs, hamburgers, cheese steak sandwiches, clams, fish, french fries, kettle corn, and so much other food you could explode from just smelling it. There were booths selling yard decorations, hair ribbons, c



Fair was not fair

As the old saying goes, the best laid plans of mice and men. Well originally I had plans to go to the Riverhead fair today. That wasn't to be. The website for the fair announced it was Saturday October 9th. That is correct. Today is the 8th and tomorrow is the 9th. Someone mistyped Saturday instead of Sunday. Oh well. It simply means I go tomorrow.   Not one to waste a day, considering I was already in Riverhead, I went to the outlet mall. While there I found gifts for friends whose birthday a



My vacation and taking it one day at a time

Okay after all the problems at my job and my vacation being cancelled twice this year, I put in for week off that begins on Sunday and goes to next Saturday. Sorry, I never get weekends off and forget about two days off together.   So I got a bonus when they gave me tomorrow off too. Now normally I would say that is just a nice bonus but the reality is tomorrow is the Riverhead County Fair. There will be baking contests, quilting contests, jams, etc. There will be carnival rides, vendors of al



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