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A Brand New Day....Coming Tomorrow

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I Wonder...

I tend to wonder about a few things. Here's a sample:   About This Site   I wonder how I can change the email address on my profile when I don't know my password (it stores it and logs me in automatically), and can't get it emailed to me since the email address isn't correct.   I wonder what RSS feeds are.   I wonder why it only lets me quote 10 times in a post (then it just shows the words "[ quote ___ ... / quote] " ), but then if I try to add a second post right behind that to finish



Heaven Forbid You End Up Alone

So this won't be a particularly cheerful entry just to let everyone know.   I went to Wal-Mart the other night. Everytime I go I check in the music department for this cd, but they never have it. They didn't this time either. However, on the way out I saw The Fray cd. So I bought it on an impulse. I'd really liked "over my head", of course I'd already downloaded it, but the trouble with that is you don't get to hear the less popular, unreleased songs, and sometimes those are the best (lik



Why'd I have to think of that?

So I had a good time last night, and I'm going to write all about it (in another entry), but first I want to talk about a...well I guess "sad" thought I had in my head for some reason when I woke up. More of a "what could have been" thought.   It's funny what's in your head when you wake up. Every now and then I wake up with songs stuck in my head (having a song stuck in my head has never particularly bothered me so it's all good). Sometimes other random feelings or thoughts. Well today f



He's so cute when he's asleep

So lest you guys think there's a new guy in my life I'd better reveal now that the he in question is my adorable cat, Timmy. He's out like a light! wiggling his tail, twitching his paws etc. This is the second afternoon in a row he's chosen the same spot to take a very serious nap! It's a bit unfortunate since I'm planning to buy a filing cabinet to go right there, but I'm sure he'll adapt.....actually he'll whine and be upset like he always is .   Speaking of a new guy in my life I'm p



I LOVE My Life!

I'm just so unbelievably happy right now! Today was awesome! It was my first day of training at work....oh yeah I was gonna tell you guys about it. Well I know this may sound chronically boring, but I'm going to be an insurance agent. It's definitely not something I saw myself doing, but they got ahold of my resume and called me and invited me to this presentation (followed by an interview), and I really liked it. I thought I'd totally screwed up the interview too. Because...well it's a lo



Didja Miss Me?

Hey Everyone! Guess What?! I'm back! Sorta. I still have alota unpacking to do and I still need to find a job and make new friends, so I'm not completely back, but kinda sorta.   So let's see, what do I really need to tell you guys about since the last time I blogged?   -I quit my job. Everyone was REALLY great, especially my boss and his wife, they took me out to eat to this really nice sushi place, gave me some cash as a graduation/leaving present, as well as a couple of other gif



I'll Be Back

Hey everyone!   Well this could be a huge mistake, and there's every chance I won't last a day without compulsively checking for updates, but I've decided that I'd better take a break from GA. Finals start Monday the 8th and end Saturday the 13th (and I do have one on Saturday ), then my move is the following Monday (the 15th). So in that time I need to pack (oh boy do I need to pack :wacko: ), Study for finals, find a new job for when I get there (really stressing out about this!), and t



Locked in the Bathroom

I've had a teriffic last couple of days!   I have this friend/coworker, Josh (completely different guy than the I Really Think Her Fiance' is Gay Josh), who plays the guitar and sings. Well anyway he'd gotten a "gig" (gosh, it's fun actually using that word in a story) to play at this club (straight club ), so anyway me and another friend/coworker, Patrick (who is gay) decided to go watch/listen etc. So anyway I was going to give Patrick a ride but he lives on the other side of these railro



The Spring Anthology

Hey everyone!   I read the Spring Anthology and all I can say is "WOW!" You can really see all the effort the authours put into making it a success! I don't think I could pick a favourite story if I had to! I just know that I feel much richer for having read them.   It even inspired me to give this whole "Day Of Silence" thing a whirl. I'm actually counting it from the time I wake up on the 26th until the time I go to bed (which is a full day to me), thus I don't feel like I'm cheat by



A "Wordy" Entry

Now I know what some of you might be thinking, "Oh goodness, this is going to be really long if he's actually admitting it's wordy in the title." However, you'd be wrong. Oh I'm not saying it won't be long, perhaps it will, but certainly no longer than my typical blog entry. No, this entry is in fact about Words.   I love words! They're one of my all time favourite things to utter. The thing about words and expression though, is that if you look at their usual meaning versus their literal



My Hips Don't Lie

Ok so let's see. Here's a quick recap of what happened over the Easter holidays.   My mom and I went and visited my grandmother and aunt (dad's side of the family). My grandmother decided to give me my graduation present early. Yay! It was a check and it'll really help assuage my financial stress with the move.   Then I found out that my cousin had written this nice little article about romantic love which had gotten accepted and was being circulated in papers all over the country. S



"Making Risky Comittments"

So a little while ago I was taking this personality/interests test online. See a couple of weeks ago (before my epiphany in church ) when I went to see the 2nd counselor she told me I should take this test to better gage my interests, THEN I actually figured out what I wanted to do without taking the test. So not actually having any good reason to take the test I hadn't gotten around to it. But I did pay a fee to sign up for it and I actually kinda like taking tests like that so I figured,



I Believe...

I'm scared.   It was bound to happen soon and now it did. Basically I just realized (well just felt) that in slightly over a month I'll be moving to a new city. Hundreds of miles from anyone I know. I won't have (or at least don't yet have) a job. I'll be all but broke having payed for the move and the first month's bills and deposits. And I won't even have an officially structured way to meet new people (like school, or work....well until I find a job).   A little under two years ago



I Chatted to Him While He Swore at Me

I had a great day today   I didn't have work and skipped school (I just had tests in like all my classes, except one more tomorrow, but that wasn't one of the ones I skipped anyway ). So I slept really late. I finally got up when a friend of mine called me, just to chat (fun way to wake up ). Then I had a nice shower, and danced about naked for awhile, while I was waiting to dry off. (I really dance much more often naked than clothed ). Then I decided to go out to eat because I'd b



I Had An Epiphany During Church

So I think I finally know what I wanna be when I grow up!   A counselor/therapist.   I was sitting in Church a little while ago (went to the 8pm mass) and my mind wandered a bit . And I suddenly realized I really should be a counselor of some kind. I mean it's basically what I was thinking all along, but I let myself get turned off by the research that would be necessary to get a PH.D in psychology (boo scientific research ). Then of course I started thinking I might worry too much



The Plights of the Ladies in My Life

So it seems like life's really been dealing some of my favourite females a bad hand lately .   I went back to my (current) spade league (not the dead one), only to find out that the captain of our team, and my main partner (the one who talked me into joining after all the drama with the old league) wasn't around. I didn't see her for about a week when finally reports begain to circulate that the reason was because her sister had just died . To make things even worse apparently about a mon



Mixed Signals, Jobs, Pets, & L.D. Relationships

So here's a general summary of what's been going on in my life of late.   Friday I had an appointment to see a job counselor at the career services department of my university. I was hoping I could line up a job for when I moved to Houston, that way I wouldn't be freaking out once I got there. Well the whole thing was all but a big waste of time, my appointment was at 11:00am...I was done by 11:08. Basically I told her I didn't care too much what I did, it could be anything to do with psych



I Really Think Her Fianc

So yesterday evening I decided to walk to my night class. On the way it suddenly begins to drizzle a bit. So I'm thinking "well no problem I'm about to walk by Coressa's apartment complex, I'll pop in and see if I can borrow an umbrella". So anyway who should I see in the parking lot, but Coressa (yeah I guess it's not that big a coincedence since it was her apartment building). Anyway she was actually carrying a pink umbrella at the time, and before I could even ask for one she offered it t



I Must Have Been Really Loud Before

So today at work a friend/coworker came up to me and said, "you seem quiet today, everything okay?". The odd thing is this seems to be par for the course the last month or so. It seems like lately every time I turn around someone's saying how quiet I'm being and making sure I'm not upset about something. And I'm really not upset, mad, unhappy, sick, or worried. Heck I don't even think I was being that quiet today. I was completely responsive and friendly to everyone. I may not have been fo



My Internet History

It was early 2000, and I was a sophmore in high school. One of our cats suddenly got very sick and since the vet in our town was closed, my mom and I drove to the city of my aunt and cousin to take her to the all night emergency clinic. After dropping her off we go and visit my aunt and cousin and the four of us play the card game rook, which I hadn't done in about 4 or 5 years. Playing it makes me remember just how much fun it is, and what ashame we never play anymore. "But wait" I think, "



I'd Rather Sleep with Myself

"Sleep With Myself" by Prozzak   Ya I'll dance with you for a while But I'm not going to take you home   I don't even know you last name Let me explain   Been around the world a thousand times Been swept away on distant shores Bedded down with angels Drank their wine And always the conclusion is the same Making love is always grand But eventually Love ends a losing game So let's leave it alone I'm going home   People think celibacy's a crime Not saying I won't love again



Something I Just Don't Say

So first off I should probably warn you not to read this until you've read DD 36.   I just finished it; the most moving part for me was definitely the hospital scene with Aaron explaining what happened:  



People Are Just Great

I mean it! I love people! They're definitely one of my all time favourite things.   So I had a very nice day. I got up at 6am this morning so that I could study for my anthropology test, because I usually elect to just go to bed when I should probably study instea. Yeah it's like the exact opposite of how most college students behave, but if I've got homework, a project, or a test, I think, "well this is the perfect excuse to go to bed early!" So I do, then I just get up and do it the nex




You ever just look around suddenly and realize you don't know how you get somewhere? And worse you really don't know where you're going?   That would be my life     It's stupid really. I'm just tired and still sick. I should probably just go to bed.   Chapter 35 of DD depressed the hell out of me. I cried for most of it. And yeah partly it was Rory and the gang, but it was so much for myself and my own life. It hit a little too close to home, in all the wrong ways. I'm moving soo



Sexuality: I just don't care

So I feel compelled to start with a little warning/disclaimer/advisory/whatever ya wanna call it. This post probably stands a good chance of offending people, which is not my intent. I make it mostly in an attempt to organize my thoughts and lay out my beliefs/desires in a coherent "set" way. I mean to make no value judgements nor am I in any way endeavoring to persuade anyone to come to my way of thinking. Finally, my own thoughts, beliefs, and opinions on ALL these matters tend to be ver



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