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Archive of Gay Authors News, Articles, and Blogs

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Tech Tuesday - Series Feature in Stories

This week's blog was triggered by the observation that some authors and members seem to be unaware of a built-in feature of our Stories system.  This is the Series function.  First, for the readers, you can find Series easiest by using the right-side menu on the main stories page. See below:   If the Longest Series is not your thing, you can easily adjust it by selecting "Sort By" and choosing a different option:   When you click on a Series Title, say "Gone From


Myr in Technology Archive

Tech Tuesday - Starting off 2018 Secure

I thought I'd start off 2018 with a reminder to everyone about computer security.  In the past year, we've seen major security breaches that gave away pretty much everyone's personal financial information and worse.  It was bad, to put it mildly.  So, first, I'm not a security expert but I'm offering some common sense items for everyone. Use different passwords on all of your accounts. Use Strong passwords( 8+ characters, mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special


Myr in Technology Archive

Tech Tuesday - 2017 Year in Review

There seems to be an unwritten rule out there for websites and publications everywhere that the last week of the year is the time to do a year in review wrap-up sort of post.  This is the one for Gay Authors. 2017.  What a year!  This was the year we jumped 50 versions of software to finally break free of the 3.4 version of the forum software and break into the world of 4.1 and then 4.2 versions of the software.  We've had hundreds of Stories archive software updates in the same timeframe a


Myr in Technology Archive

Tech Tuesday - Chapter Text Controls

One of the most important aspects to our Stories software is allowing members to make the reading window fit their need for reading.  Whether that is to adjust the text size, the contrast, the indents or the width of the text window.  Here are the controls:   Text size should be obvious here.  The green highlight, as shown here, means that the current text is larger than the default text.  If you have no highlight, then you have default text size.  If you have A- highlighted, then


Myr in Technology Archive

Tech Tuesday - Premium Content and Gift Cards

Greetings everyone!  It occurred to me that since this is the gift-giving season, we should share with you that GA does have a built-in Gift Card system that you can use to gift Premium Content (or credit for eBooks).     But first, let me get to the why Premium?   Everyone who has been on the Internet for awhile and is familiar with the other story sites like Gay Authors knows that there are basically 4 business options out there: A private or small group that covers


Myr in Technology Archive

Tech Tuesday - Letter and IM/Texting Formatting.

As I mentioned last week, it is my plan to post short feature highlights as well as other tech-related items here each Tuesday.  This week it is about our Letter format and IM/texting formatting. This feature is available across the site, and the buttons are displayed in desktop/laptop-sized windows and tablet-sized windows.  The buttons are not in the mobile browser due to space limitations.   There are two ways you can use this feature: You can type everything you wa


Myr in Technology Archive

Tech Tuesday - Spoiler Tags

Hello!  Welcome back to Tech Tuesdays!   Starting today, we are planning on bringing this feature back for you every Tuesday.  Most of them will be short but will highlight either existing features or coming features.     Today, we will be going over the use of the spoiler tags.  These are built right into the editor and should be used to hide information that would otherwise spoil someone's enjoyment.  This often applies to the big twists you see in books, movies, tv shows, games, etc


Myr in Technology Archive


Hope everyone is having a great week so far!  With so much going on around Gay Authors, sometimes it's easy to miss when something new happens. Lately we have been adding some new clubs to the site, and moving appropriate forums into those clubs. Wondering where your favorite topic went? Check out clubs!  Clubs allow us to put all the stuff that belongs together in one place.  Writing Sci-Fiction?  Then the Sci-Fi club has fellow sci-fi writers, resource links, inspiring images, etc. Want to tal

Updates and Feedback From Survey

Thanks and Introduction So, right up front, I want to thank everyone for taking the time to do the survey.  I would especially like to thank the kind words that many people left in the comments.  They meant more than you know.   In the rest of this blog, I'll go over some of the feedback and offer advice as well as covering the open bugs.   Bugs So, yes, there are still a few active bugs: Chapter comment notifications are not being sent.  We missed this one i


Myr in Technology Archive

Site Improvement Survey

Hello everyone! I have been working behind the scenes on quite a few things lately and I wanted to get some feedback.  I would really appreciate it you took some time to fill out this survey. It is short, but it will help us focus on some of the things we need to focus on.   Thanks everyone!  The poll is now closed.  


Myr in Technology Archive

Tech Tuesday: Tagging Tutorial

This week I wanted to talk about the power of the Tag in the forum software. It has been a feature in the software for a long time now. Although we use them slightly differently in our Stories Archive, they function the same with our search system.   What is a tag? It is a descriptive word that you can attach to a topic, blog, gallery image, ebook, story, etc. This word is that searchable. The system is set up so you can group like-tagged items together. For example, anything tagged "Renee Ste


Myr in Technology Archive

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