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1) SomeWhat a NewComer...But Then Not Really

I've been a member here for years. I'm pretty sure I could go and find out just how long it was but then I'm way to lazy for that. And just like my horrible grammer skills, I'd rather you'd do all the hard work and I'll stay floundering in ignorance.


So what should I talk about in this first Blog Entry.


It's not like I'm a stranger to Bloging. I have a Blog over at Awesome Dude that has been going on for days and some say it's entertaining. But then I don't trust people who say that...I've read that Blog and it sucked. If I wouldn't have written that shite, I never would have continued to read that drivel.


And on a completely side note, what the hell is going on with LOST this season?


Six days ago, I paid out almost forty dollars to watch Shutter Island. $10.75 for one ticket? Really? Six dollars for a large soda (I'm in the business, restaurant business that is, and I know just how much a cup of soda actaully costs, and let me tell you, it's about twenty-five cents per twenty ounce cup, on the outside chance that the cup they put it inside costs one dollar, I'm thinking that's way too much mark up.) not including the other tasty treats "he" had to have. Bing bam bong I'm out $39.75...and I didn't get any afterwards. But I'm not bitter.


This old crack head came into my restaurant the other day and asked for matches. Now I live in California, a place that is unbearabley smoke free ( I love to smoke and I'm smoking right now) and no where can you find matches anymore...they aren't illegal but it wouldn't take much more than a squint to make them so.


Crack-head says, "Yo man, give me some of that there matches."


Server replies, "I'm sorry, we don't have any matches."


Crack-head exclaims, "Then how do you light all these freaking candles?"


Server says, "We light a stick on fire from the stove."


And then the server walks away and goes about her business.


Now I saw the server go over and talk to said Crack-head. I have no idea what the server said but once she walks away, I figure Crack-head would go back to whatever rock it lives under.


But no, that is not what happens at all. I notice after a few minutes that Crack-head is still over in the corner, waiting for something to happen. So finally I walk over and say, "What's going on?"


Crack-head says, "I'm waiting on my stick."


I say, "No one is bringing you a stick. I think it's time for you to leave."


There was this cute, younger guy making eyes at me on the B.A.R.T. train the other day. I was having one of those good days, I was comfortable with what I was wearing that day. My hair (should I say lack of hair)was okay. I felt good. And this cute guy was hot.


So after a few stops, I finally go over and say, "Hi, my name is Jason."


This cute guy takes a look at me, one of those looks that start at the head and goes down to the toes and then back up to the head, and says, "Creepy."


When did I go from hot and sexy to creepy?


Not that long ago, if this would've happened, I would've gotten into his pants. But not so much anymore.


When the hell did I get old?


Have I really turned into that old creepy guy that tries to pick up young hot men on the subway? Was there a vote? A mass email that went out and everyone got except me? Old age is no respecter of persons I guess.


Lucky for me, when I was young and hot, I threw out enough pity f**ks to old creepy guys I should have a few coming my way.


Oh well, maybe I need to retire the club days and accept the fact that in gay terms, I am so over the hill I might as well start paying for sex.


So that's it, Blog number one at Gay Author's...it seems to be starting out much like the one over at Awesome Dude. At least I'm batting a thousand.




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I seen you around awesome dude :)


:hug: Your not old for us :)


personally I never get food at the movies if you got a friend who has a purse stuff a 20 ounce soda or a a snack, matin



So I've been working up the nerve to go and start a conversation with this guy at the gym whom I've had a crush on for ages...


But reading your blog helped me decide not to thumbsupsmileyanim.gif .


I don't want to be called a creep (and would thus have to find a new gym due to shame/embarassment).


Welcome back to GA activity! I too recognize you from AD.



Whine all you want. It doesn't detract from the fact that your blogs are always entertaining.



I agree with Drew. You're not too old for us...certainly not for me. :P


I checked my crystal ball. You've been a member since March 29, 2006. :wizard:

Jason Rimbaud


Stuffing sodas in a friends purse...maybe I should start hanging out with more drag queens.


The only way you would ever be called a creep is if you looked like me...bald is not the new black.


I don't think you have any taste at all...though for a lack of taste...you have great taste. :P


Since 2006 huh...in dogs years it's been sixteen years. Boy no wonder I'm so tired.




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