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New here and really dumb

Go to solution Solved by wildone,

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On 2/1/2023 at 11:28 PM, gdaniel said:

How do I know if someone tries to ask me a question or start a conversation in one of these forums?

Not a dumb question at all. I pop into this forum all the time to learn all  the stuff I should know :P  and I think I'm 17 years on the site now 0:) 

The best way that I can think of is to follow the topics and people that you want to follow. So if you ask a question in a topic, follow the topic.

At the top of every topic is a follow button, just click on it.


After setting your notification settings as mentioned by @GLH, you can be notified when someone posts in the topic. Might not be the answer of your question.

You can also do this with members too! Go to their profile and click on follow member:


Likewise if someone clicks on following you, you will be notified if they post something, may not be about you as well. 

If you want to call out to someone in a post, you can use the @ symbol before their name. Like if you want to call me out to a post in this topic to look at, you could type something like @wildone, how's it going?  :gikkle:

Now you notifications are in the drop down menu by your username in the top right corner of the screen. Drop down to notifications. There is a lot of things you can play around with, if you mess up like I've done at times and get like 300 notifications a day, you can change this up to what you want.

Here is my notifications selection, everyone has a different setup.


Notifications will appear as a number in the top right (alarm) bell to the left of your user name. If you are on site when someone posts something that you followed, you can choose to get a popup as well.

Play around with it and if you have any more questions, ask! You can even use @wildone to grab my attention ;) 

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