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Missing without meeting.

Hey yall,


This is something that has been bugging me recently. I wonder if there is anyone out there that has ever missed anyone that they have enver met, and heres why I ask.



My mothers dad died when she was just six or seven years old so it is pretty obvious that I have never met the man, but since I was I was a little boy I've missed him. As far back into my childhood as I can remember I've wanted to know him, and that was before I even knew anything about him or his life, I knew he had existed and I wanted him, pure and simple.


That desire has grew steadily over the years into something of an obbsession. I have dug through my Grandmothers photo albums for pictures of him, talked to my Aunt and had hes druge up as much information about as she could remember about and have even made plans to go to Kentucky this Summer and see his grave and try to talk to his little Sister *the last living member of his family beside his off spring* and I'm told she's half crazy.


The point I am trying to make here is that while I accept that I am missing him, desperatly, I don't understnad why. I mean my fathers father died when I just a baby, infact it was his dieing wish that I be babtized in the Catholic church but I don't have this insane to desire to know him so why my mother Father?


I feel as if visiting his grave is something that I don't just want to do but something that I NEED to do, almost as if I there is something that is pulling me there. No in my family really understands me on this, most infact think its foolish to get this hung up by a man that I never met but they don't get it, (not that I do either).


I'm not even sure my Grandfather would like me if he were alive today, I'm a lot different than the sons he raised, a lot different than what was considered 'acceptable' back in his day. I like to think though that we'd have some stuff in common, he was an English teacher for part of his life and loved being out doors and English and Ecology are some of my favorite topic's and I love to go hiking and being outside.


I guess I'll never really know for sure though.



I seem to have rambled a bit here but I made my general point. Is it wierd to miss some on you've never known, has it ever happened to you?


Best Wishes,



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No it's not weird to miss someone you have never met, although I dont think that 'miss' is necessarily the right word to use. Perhaps someone mentioned him when you were very young and whatever it was sparked something in you, an interest, a fascination. This may have planted a seed that grew over the years. Something like the way that phobias are seeded.


On the other hand perhaps your souls are linked in some way. Perhaps you were incarnated together at some point and knew each other in a past life. You might be picking up on his residual energy as felt through his offspring.


It could even be that all or part of your soul comes from him. There used to be at least two or three generations between incarnations but that time has been getting shorter for some time.


Whatever the reason I really don't think it matters. You feel a connection with this person and that's all that matters. Do what you need to do and give yourself fully to it. In my experience these things generally happen for a reason. Ride with it until you find out what that reason is :)



:), like Nephy said, go with it.


I've been thinking recently about my own grandfather, and well that I haven't wanted to know him. I knew he existed, but there wasn't really anything there.


He left the family when my mum was at uni, and he was a drunk and abusive husband and father. And basically let my mum down on so many occasions, including with money. The story or assumption was that he was somewhere in Africa and I could well have half aunts and uncles younger than me. Turns out that's true, but they've moved to the SW of england now. He died about 6 or so years ago. I did ask a few questions about family history, and that's how my mum ended up getting in touch with his sisters (on her own, she was then interested, even if she does blame me). But it wasn't about him, more that I was asking in general family history. It was always known to be a blackspot, and if my gran ever knew that my mum had seen him again then we're expecting an explosion. But I've thought about how I haven't wanted to meet him and in no-way do I miss not having a grandfather, because that guy was never considered to be one.


On the other hand, there was a guy who I met on a plane when I was 16, and I so want to meet him again. It's a what if. I felt a big connection with him, and disastrously we managed to mess up meeting up in the city we flew to, and I never knew his surname. I didn't really know him, but I wish I did. And data protection will stop me ever finding out :).


Good-luck with it though.



Thanks for the comments Nephy, Smarties. You two have really given me some stuff to think in. I appreciate you taking the time to give me your thoughts. worshippy.gif



My father died when I was fifty. As I sat on his deathbed holding his hand, I wondered who was this man. He was a very distant father. He wanted it that way. I missed him my whole life. I remember him reaching for me with his other hand, placing it on my knee. It felt very uncomfortable. He never showed affection that I remember. Of course I know all kinds of facts about my father. Of course I was there watching and experiencing. But I never knew my father the way I wanted to.



It answers some questions that only the person themself can answer. It's all good that other family members can tell you about them, but its a satisfaction of getting it straight from the horses mouth so to speak. Makes it difficult when theyre not around anymore. I suppose its like finding surprises in the family tree.





It's not weird at all. We all want to know where we've come from. I hope you find the answers you're looking for when you go on your trip to visit your aunt.


Good luck x



Thanks Steve, Meno; for commenting. This is a subject that is reall close to my heart. I am hoping that I will be able to talk to my Aunt soon and maybe visit his grave as well.

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