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The White Tie Dinner

Last night I attended a dinner, at which the dress code was "white tie". For those of you not familiar with such things, white tie is the more formal version of "black tie", and is not usually worn these days. Now, not to brag, but white tie is a look that i really can pull off - I looked awesome. I have quite a heavy frame (think - rugby player. Bulky, but not fat), which was complimented by the cut of the tailcoat.


I had a really great time. I'm not usually the best at formal occasions, but I had good company (one of the girls from the office was my date), there was very good food, wine and dancing. It was bliss. My eye was drawn to the object of my lust - James - who looks better in a normal suit than formal wear, but still sparkled for me.


The reason I wanted to write about it, was that I was sat at a table with a man who turned out to be the most appalling bigot. Somehow the conversation turned to gay society, and he kept going on about the "homosexual agenda", and how "the gays" were trying to convert everyone to their way of life.


This was a successful - powerful - man who has perhaps hundreds of staff working for him. He controls a large annual budget and has considerable personal power of patronage. It really saddened me that some days, it can seem like we have come so far. Then you meet someone who convinces you that we could be decades away from genuine acceptance.


Sometimes, you just want to scream...

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  • Site Administrator


Scream away, sometimes it is the only thing that keeps a body from ripping off someone's head and doing all sorts of bad things to it.

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