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Almost three months since my last entry already! Quite a bit has happened.


I was on GA a lot over the summer, since I spent three weeks in a cast and was stuck at my parents't house with no means to drive back home. I ended up coming out to my parents at that time. It was hard on them, but not dramatic, and was probably made easier by the fact that I came out as bisexual. They keep hoping I'll end up marrying again even though I made it clear that I wasn't going to date women right now.


On the contrary.... following someone's advice on GA I registered in the gay section at a prominent dating site. I was a bit freaked out when one of the first 3 guys who visited my profile turned out to be someone I know from work. :blink: I've lived a straight life so far and I'm not out at the work place. Since then, though, I've come out to a few more colleagues/friends. I'd rather they learn about it from me than from office rumours.


I got a few contacts on that dating site, including some creeps, but I guess that was to be expected.


The first guy who contacted me was interesting. We chatted on MSN for a while and we hit it off although he is from a very different background than mine. We decided to meet. The date itself was a disaster. Since he was coming from out of town I went to meet him at the train station. I was late because I was not used to walking with my crutches, and he got 2 of his bags stolen while waiting for me. So we actually met at the police station. :wacko: Talk about a fun way to break the ice! Anyway, since he'd lost papers, money, apartment keys, etc., I offered him to stay at my place. Long story short, we ended up spending much more time together than we had expected. Some of it was ok, some of it just strange. Although he's a sweet guy, he's got a lot of issues to deal with and I don't think we were quite right together. So I started cooling things down with him after he'd left Paris. Then he suddenly got pissed off at me for a comment I made, and when I tried to understand I realised that he had been lying and playing with me. :wacko: Now a month has passed and he's apologised to me, but I can tell that it would not have worked. In a way I'm glad for the experience. How else would I have discovered that I'm not into effeminate guys who carry Paul Smith handbags and are more interested in their facial cream than in finding a suitable job to pay for said handbag? (no offense meant to those of you who fit that description).


Then I met a second guy, and we're a much better match. This time I was extra early to the first date, and he was late. It started really really well, and I even wrote a poem about him. We took things slowly and I believed it could work out if we managed to iron out some differences and meet half-way on certain issues. Right now, though, I don't quite know where we stand. It's that weird time in a relationship where, after a few weeks, things should either get very serious or break down completely. In a month's time we might just be friends and nothing more, but I think I could settle for even that.


Arghh,... I still have so much to learn in the dating department! When is Mr Right gonna show up?

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  • Site Administrator


Wow. Lots of stuff going on with you. I am really glad you are all better on the injury front. Sounds crazy with the dating. I've never really done that so I have no funny stories or sympathy to share. I'll be watching for yours though ;) Keep sharing.



I already told you my thoughts.... so i just came along with a timely :hug:



How exiciting :) I have never dated so I have never had dating stories to tell :) Yours are really sweet. You gotta kiss a lot of frogs before one turns into prince charming or so I'm told. Right now I'd settle for a frog :)



Friends is good especially close ones ... the thing is still what is it going take to make it very special ... maybe the two of you are a bit afraid to get very close ... its only been a month ... boyfriend status takes time ... and the both of you have yet to experience all there is about each other ... in different environments.



Good luck with your quest. :D

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