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New Entry for the Urban Dictionary




1. noun: World Wide Network of loons, religious nuts, wackos, crazies, degenerates, deviants, sex addicts, paranoid shut-ins, retired pole-dancers, tea party activists, dope smokers, hash-heads, meth-freaks, dim-wits, democrats, lawyers, convicts, war criminals and sex offenders.


2. noun: A denizen of that community.


3. noun: An orgasm achieved while watching Internet porn.



1. President Obama said something vague and misleading and the INTERNUT is really jumping tonight.


2. Look out for the INTERNUTs. You know they are out there.


3. I walked in on my room-mate having an INTERNUT. Awkward.




So be sure and look out for the INTERNUTs! You know they are out there. :unsure:


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