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My vacation and taking it one day at a time

Okay after all the problems at my job and my vacation being cancelled twice this year, I put in for week off that begins on Sunday and goes to next Saturday. Sorry, I never get weekends off and forget about two days off together.


So I got a bonus when they gave me tomorrow off too. Now normally I would say that is just a nice bonus but the reality is tomorrow is the Riverhead County Fair. There will be baking contests, quilting contests, jams, etc. There will be carnival rides, vendors of all sorts, and it is just suppose to be a blast. On top of it all the weather is suppose to be up in the seventies, sunny, and comfortable.


So that is my first official day of vacation. All the rest of my plans fell to the way side because I can't line up with my friends like I had planned to, their vacations are all the last two weeks of October. Lucky me.


So I plan to go out tomorrow and just enjoy myself. Walk along seeing what is for sale, what I can find, maybe even some surprises for friends who have birthdays coming up. Then of course their is Christmas. I never know what will happen at the fair. Some years I walk out and haven't spent a dime. Other times I think I broke my wallet with my finds. lol. Anyway you look at it I just plan to relax and enjoy myself and the time off from work. Hope everyone else has a good weekend as well.

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That sounds like a good title for a story: "You never know what will happen at the fair." :D


So glad that you have time off, you really need it! Enjoy, relax, bake! I heard the fall weather is going to be beautiful this week. So maybe the other times got cancelled for a reason? Maybe to lead you to this very point? :hug:

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That sounds lovely. It's raining here tomorrow. I'm staying in for a jammie day since it will be 60. If it warms up :P I think your day will definitely be more exciting so don't forget to tell us all about.



Havefun!!! Sounds like a great day ahead :) It is a hard lesson to lear how to enjoy what you got and not to dwell on what you don't - I'm still trying to crasp that.



Fairs are fun, have a blast

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