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Featured Story -- Shane



Monday, Monday... (sung in his best Beatles impression)
Time for a new featured story, so this week we bring you Shane by Vlista. Vlista has been a member since (gasp) 2005 and a hosted author since about the same time, which makes him one of the "older" authors (although he's not really old himself). I will warn you right up front that Shane is not easy reading. It deals wtih subject matter that will be difficult for many people to read. However -- it is dealt with in such a way that is compelling to read and worth every tissue and pointed look from your significant other.


With that said, here is Andy's opinion:


by Vlista

reviewed by andy021278




Shane is very well written and the darker subject matter is not only handled well and believably, it is written with such feeling and emotion. It makes me believe the author has firsthand experience with the subject matter (either personally or through a close friend or relative).


Shane was the first story I read here on GA and I was gripped with this story from the very beginning, and felt a great sympathy for Shane right from the start. He is hated by his father (who blames Shane for causing the death of his mother during childbirth); he is hated by his older brother simply because his father does; he is hated by everyone at school for one reason or another. Shane’s only friend in the world is a neighbour’s dog.


Shane somehow manages, even in the moments of his deepest sorrow, to find the silver lining in his darkest of clouds. When he finds that life is finally starting to improve for him, and things are finally looking up, his silver lining is threatened with a whole new set of challenges which drive him to the brink of despair and beyond.


The thing which first drew me to Shane and still does (I have now read the story three times in six months) is that he has an amazing strength of character, and has a very “human” feel to him – which allows for a much easier and deeper connection to him as a character. Given the subject matter Shane could have been written cold and emotionless; but even with everything that has happened to him in his relatively short life he has not only maintained his humanity, but he has his own personality and sense of self which is uniquely Shane.


As you are taken on the roller-coaster ride that is his life, the connection to him and the other characters around him grows and deepens. There are very few stories I have read where I can say I truly care about what happens to a character; whether they live or die; whether they win or lose; whether they win the heart of the guy or not. With Shane, it feels like when he suffers I suffer right along with him and when he laughs I laugh along with him.


Unlike other stories I have read there are very few technical issues with grammar, spelling, and punctuation; certainly nothing which is noticeable to the point that it detracts from the reading or the flow of the story. The darker subject matter is a fairly standard theme of the other stories that have been written as well, but for me Shane is the best of the pick. The very nature of the content of the story and some of the minor aspects of the plot lines have drawn some unfair negative comments; it is so easy to get wrapped up in Shane, you can forget this is a work of fiction.


There are times throughout this story that I fully suggest having a box of tissues at the ready. It is truly heart-wrenching, and I can’t remember the last time I cried so much. While it does have moments that are full of pain, it also has many light-hearted and heart-warming moments that will bring a smile to your face and might even make you chuckle a little bit.


If you only ever read one story here on GA then it has to be Shane. A big 5/5.






Well, there ya have it. Now go read it! and remember REVIEW!


Happy writing!

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well in my head the beatles sings it... I don't like the mama's and the papa's, only peter paul and mary and the beatles. so there.


and on further investigation... the cowsills are much better than the mamas and papas... but it's still the beatles in my head.

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I loved Shane, I read it when i first started reading stories on G.A, I just re-read it last month and it still has it's desired effect.

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I love all of vlista's work! i've been waiting oh since i joing G.A to see if he'll ever finish one moment....but alas....he is away.....one day to hopefully return! LOVE this story too. A million stars an kudo's to the author.

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