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Writing Prompts #148 & #149

Renee Stevens


So it's Friday again, the last day of the work week for many. What better way to start the weekend off than with a couple of new prompts from Comicfan! I think both of these could prove to be quite interesting and look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with! Don't forget to share your responses in the Writing Prompt Forum!


Prompt 148 – Creative
Cue – First Line
“How in the hell did you think that would be a good idea?”


Prompt 149 – Creative
Cue – List of Words
Use the following words in a story: Starry sky, bottle of champagne, Zombie, a ticket, and a deer.


For our prompt response today, we are going to feature a response by Labrador to Prompt #146: In a few paragraphs give a description of character you are creating. However you are forbidden from actually giving straight facts on the character.


While the following isn't very long, Labrador did a wonderful job in doing as the prompt asked! Don't take my word for it, take a look for yourself!

Sunset, white sand, calm ocean, and in my lover's arms. Could heaven be any better than this? I didn't think so.


Trevor moved his chin, replacing it at the top of my head with his cheek. I giggled when he sneezed. I guess it was time for a haircut.


"Sorry, Jer, got a curl up my nose." His hand smoothed the hair away from his face. "I don't want you to cut it, babe. It's so much like sunshine."


"Yeah?" I brought his other hand up to my lips and kissed the gold on his finger.


With a sigh, Trevor pulled me closer and held me even tighter as we watched the sun go down. So ended the first day of the rest of our lives.


So, what did you think?! Why not give this weeks prompts a look and maybe you'll find your response featured next week!


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