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Tip Thursday: Trevor Project Day And It Gets Better



The Trevor Project is national organization in the United States, dedicated to providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth since 1998. They provide a toll free lifeline at 866-488-7386866-488-7386. The Trevor Project has set today, September 27 as "Trevor Project Day." This is part of National Suicide Prevention month and their "Talk to Me" campaign.


A second organization started up in September 2010. The It Gets Better Project was started by author/columnist Dan Savage and his partner Terry Miller, to inspire hope for young people facing harassment. In response to a number of students taking their own lives, they wanted to create a personal way, through videos and other messages, to tell youth that yes, it does indeed get better.


In honor of Trevor Project Day, Podiumdavis reached out to OUR GayAuthors.org community and asked them:

Given the modern climate in our society, constantly hearing of another gay teen committing suicide across our television screens, how would you, given the change, save someone's life? Yes, the Trevor Project is amazing, as is the It Gets Better movement. So, in as few words as possible, how does it get better and why does it get better?




Admin: JSmith


It gets better doesn't only apply to gay teens. It applies to everyone. Life is a series of challenges that everyone attempts to overcome. When you overcome those challenges, that's what defines you as a person. It gives you the strength to carry on in life and improve not only your life, but those of others as well. Being gay doesn't define an individual. It's only a small part of someone's life. Once they accept it and learn to love themselves, life can only get better.


Author: Mark92


Don't really know what to say, but it's about the Trevor Project. I don’t know if you know or not? But I have attempted many, many times. Not because I'm a teenager or that I am gay. My circumstances and the situations I find myself in are the cause.


I am trying to keep the depression thread going, and it seems to stand up on its own now. The reason I wanted to write this is because of what helped me.


These days I rely on a few kind words from the depression thread, or sometimes a kick up the arse, from friends here and Stuby.


But before GA there was just me, alone. I've been so low I have choked on a gun barrel before, even had a row of cartridges ready. That would be the easiest and quickest way. My remoteness and the medication I take, would sort the rest.


What has stopped me are my animals. Who would know they were here with nobody to look after them? Not just the farm animals, but my pets, my three cats and faithful friend Max my dog. He knows when I am down and puts his head on my knee.


Having that responsibility stopped me. Without me they would die.


I completely forget about my troubles and concentrate on their needs. It helps me, it might help others.


Author: K.C.


First, I'm almost 40 so both the "It gets better" and the "Trevor project" were not around when I was growing up. When I was 14 one of my classmates committed suicide. It was the mid 80's. He had not come out, but at that time most teens (even myself) kept our sexuality to ourselves, so we may never know if that was the reason or not. I've had my speculations but I do know that he was bullied. I never participated yet I didn't do anything to stop it either, which I regret to this day.


Over the years, I've thought about him during special milestones in my life, ones that he would never experience. It gets better...I wish someone older and wiser would have told him this. Almost 10 years later, I almost took my own life. It was startling how little I cared for my own life. My actions were a wake-up call. 15 years later, I know for a fact that it gets better. I would have missed out on so much if I didn't take it day by day...and just breathe. It gets better.


Author: Curti


As you get older you realize that the people’s opinions that matter are the ones that love you no matter what. Everyone else really isn’t important. You'll learn that every person you meet will come and then go; the most important thing is being true to yourself. The day that you love and accept yourself fully without the least bit of degrade then that will be the day that you just don't care what others think and essentially you'll be as happy as you can possibly be.


Author: Johnathan Colourfield


Trust me, it does get better. Five years ago, I was a shy embarrassed teenager; I hated even looking at myself in the mirror. Five years later, I'm far more confident than I was and I’m a successful university student. I never gave up and I was strong for myself; no one else. I focused on what I wanted and I became more confident as a person. Sure, I’m not all the way there yet; but I will get there! And so will you!


Editor: Harcallard


I grew up in a small southern town where being gay was unheard of and very seldom seen. I guess you could say I come from the most redneck family you ever want to meet. I knew early on that I was attracted more to guys than girls. I tried to do the things my cousins and other family members were involved in. I can hunt, fish, work on cars, etc... However, this still did not change the fact that I was attracted to guys. I was close to one of my cousins and we were like Siamese twins. However, that quickly changed the day that he found out I was gay. He yelled, screamed, and even punched me. I felt extremely betrayed and hurt. He has not talked to me in over 30 years. Several of my family members still to this day do not speak to me. If it had not been for my oldest cousin, I do not know where I would be today. He never once judged me. Instead he hugged me and let me cry on his shoulder. He was an outlet for me to come to when I needed someone to be there for me. I can never repay him for the love and kindness he should me that day. I was given the best advice from him when he told me to live my life and be who I am. Then find someone who can love you and you in return. This is the mantra I have lived my life by today. What I am trying to say is if you’re suffering and in pain, find someone you can talk too. You may not believe things will get any better, but take it from someone who has been there, it will get better.


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Thanks to everyone who gave their responses. Much appreciated. Also if you wish to help the trevorproject they do accept donations. So if you're interested, check out there site :) ~CHEERS~

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I'd like to add my thanks and appreciation to the members who gave their responses and thanks to podiumdavis as well for working with them. :)

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When i was 16 I lept out of my 3rd story window because I believed that the world would not get better, I had no friends, I was afraid, alone and in pain. I thought that maybe if i died that people might finally see me, that my life might of had a worth then... in death. I misjudged how far out I had to go out and caught the railing of the floor below me and landed back inside. I do not talk about my teen years much, if you read my story Raven you might have an idea... but it got better, I left my hometown and went to college and met some wonderful people that allowed me to open up and become the person i was always meant to be, to grow and even find love. I thought that in death i might be glorified that i might have value then. But i was wrong, it is the value of life, the moments and joys and struggles of each passing day that should be glorified.


There is no meaning in death, only in life. How you choose to overcome pain is how you will make it. I chose to embrace life, and my world has been a lot brighter since.



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