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Music and creativity

I absolutely can’t work without sound, doesn’t matter if it’s drawing or writing or sewing or cooking, I have to have music playing or I have to sing, no other background sound will do. I’ve tried the TV, but unless I want to put it to the classic rock or alternative music channel, then the TV is useless too and usually it’s on for sports so I can watch the game, (like now- Minnesota’s winning!) but not really have to listen to it. So as I was sitting working on another chapter of Desolation Angel, I thought I’d take a moment (because lord knows I love to distract myself lol) and share the playlist I’ve used for the story since it started, and ask the question of others out there what they listen to when they’re writing or creating, and if the music ends up fitting or influencing the mood, theme or emotion of the piece.



  1. John Moreland – Earthbound Blues (entire album)
  2. John Moreland –Everything the Hard Way (entire album)
  3. Elton John – Tiny Dancer
  4. Black Label Society – (just about anything and everything)
  5. Nine Inch Nails –Something I Can Never Have
  6. Shawn Mullins –Soul’s Core (entire album)
  7. Danielia Cotton – Let it Ride
  8. You and Tequila – Kenny Chesney
  9. Even If it Breaks Your heart – Eli Young Band
  10. Pink Floyd – Wish you Were here and One the Turning Away (and just about anything else)
  11. Emily Browning –Asleep
  12. Tom Waits (just about anything and everything)
  13. Greg Holden – The Lost Boy
  14. Bruce Springsteen (anything and everything)
  15. Charlie Parker (anything and everything)
  16. Stevie Ray Vaughn (anything and everything)
  17. Bob Dylan (anything and everything)
  18. The Doors (anything and everything)
  19. Neil Young (just about anything)
  20. Jimi Hendrix – All Along the Watchtower, Hey Joe, Voodoo Child


I'm always open to musical suggestions, i love hearing about and learning or new bands and new music and am pretty open to most types of music, though pop/boy bands have never been my thing. I love Jazz, Country, Gospel, Metal, Rock, Classic Rock, Industrial, Alternative, Blues, some Classical, and just about ANYTHING that is guitar heavy. I don't have a playlist planned for the new story I'll be starting after the first of the years, when 'Angels' is done, so I'm really looking for ideas and suggestions for songs I can really get lost in while i work.


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one of my favorite Industrial projects, since you mentioned it. Front Line Assembly


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i saw these guys yesterday, toooo good. really relaxing, great tunes - pretty good work music if you ask me


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wanna get weird? i mean really weird?


he switches time signatures all the time and it isn't as arbitrary as it might seem.





Emika is kinda dark but all her tracks are sexy as fook




relax, little liquid drum and bass


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some chillstep, its like noobstep, but chiller. its kinda cheesy but i really like the production and when the main chorus kicks in with that sidechain.... o_o but relaxing all the same, in a way. 







honestly i could go all day, sorry for spamming your blog. and word up to NIN. I had the opportunity to study under Steve Duda for a while, he mixed their albums The Downward Spiral (i think) but I know he did Fragile for sure. and their drummer has been on campus a few times doing some interviews. i wish Trent Reznor would do some more projects =( but nothing beats hurt nooooothing.

also i dunno if the blog format can show all the videos, but if you wanna copy and paste you can. easy! it wouldn't let me put multiple videos in one post.




Wow, hey thanks Chase! Downward Spiral and Fragile are mainstays on my comp, I couldn't write without them. I too wish he'd put out some new stuff. I love Hurt, both his version and Johnny Cash's, man that is an emotional piece of music. I am seriously digging that Amon Tobin piece you linked up, that's going on my playlist for sure, that's got that mellow, drifting feel to it that I could listen to all day. Thanks man, i can't wait to listen to the rest too.



The squarepusher, wow, that is trippy weird, i had to bookmark that one so I can listen to it a few more times and maybe some more of his stuff too, I think I could find a mood or two to listen to that in.

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