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The Dream



I heard a terrible noise. I didn't know what it was.

In the distance a farm tractor moved slowly across a field, a man walking alongside. 

Everything was so vivid, the sky a brilliant blue - too blue - and the hedgerows and trees impossibly green.  

Looking back at the tractor I could see it had changed direction, lurching across the field towards a gap in the boundary hedge, the walking man now clinging to the tractor as if for his life.  Strange; both he and the driver seemed to be looking backwards.  

I turned to see and there it was - a dark column of dust and debris moving across the adjoining field. Straight at them.  

I know about tornadoes, I've seen them on the news.  But this was different.  It wasn’t right.  It seemed to have... intent.

The tractor had reached the edge of the field where it jolted and stopped at an odd angle.  Both men ran towards the gap.  Running for their lives.

Then I heard - felt? - a new sound; deeper, louder.

I was standing in the middle of a large expanse of bright yellow crop at the far end of which stood a row of tall poplars, silvery leaves waving in the breeze.  Except this was no breeze. 

Then I saw it, rising above the poplars, a monstrous writhing maelstrom of darkness, destruction and death.  Curiously, I thought about those farmers.  What happened to them? 

No time to waste on others, I stared uncomprehendingly at the awful horror breaking through the line of trees.  I turned and ran.  For my life, just like those two men.  A glance over my shoulder and I could see it was closer.  I changed direction and looked again.  It made no difference. The noise was unbearable - a roaring, rushing, whirling, dreadful noise like nothing I had ever heard.  It was alive and angry, roaring and eating everything in its path.  I knew whichever way I ran would make no difference.

It would get me.

I was going to die.


Then I woke up.

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'This is all true. It happened last night.'


In your dream, thank God or whomever. Or at least in another dimesion. A malicious, sentient twister??? Zombies don't do things half way. I come to you should I ever feel like writing a horror story without vampires.

But you made me laugh. 'So I stopped the dream.'  He stated matter-of-factly. Good for you.


I hope you feel better.

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thanks Addy :) I think it helped writing it down



Tornadoes are indeed an awesome force and often appear malevolent.  However, in the UK, which has many, they are usually weak albeit some are destructive, but not the freakishly destructive forces like we see in the US almost on an annual basis. 


Your 'nightmare' however did not describe the tornado as attached to a storm....



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I know, you're right Daddy. It was a beautiful clear blue sky. That's what made the dream so frightening because it was unexpected and... unnatural :(



Wow, think happy things before going to sleep tonight.  Those kind of dreams make my heart race and I can't go back to sleep.  Hugs.

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OMG Zombie, what a terrible nightmare :( I hope you're okay now, friend ! :hug:



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Wow, think happy things before going to sleep tonight.  Those kind of dreams make my heart race and I can't go back to sleep.  Hugs.


Thanks Jo Ann :)


OMG Zombie, what a terrible nightmare :( I hope you're okay now, friend Y!


fine thanks Sly :) if I have them, I never remember dreams but this one was just so vivid and when it woke me up I wanted to get it down before it faded - hopefully it's gone now forever :hug:

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Zombies have dreams ! :o


Your dreams are extrapolations of your life, so what is it that scare you so much that you need to run away from it? An act of nature is probably an extrapolation of an outside force acting on your life beyond normal circumstances. Has something unexpected happened recently?



I'm sure a shrink could have me in therapy a long time for this :P



I'm sure a shrink could have me in therapy a long time for this :P

So tell me about your father. I see you're chewing on him now.

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 - hopefully it's gone now forever :hug:


Not unless you delete this post, otherwise 'it's here forever!'

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