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May Csr Book Club Selection: The Jacob & Marcus Tales



May already! For many we're on the cusp of a new season and for some of us it's still pouring down rain, grr. I thought this month I'd feature a story with a lot of duality in it. Then, I decided to do something a little different and do a series. Now, I know a novel series would be far too much reading, but Thorn Wilde's Jacob and Marcus Tales just fit the bill, with all the 8 stories in the series under 8k in length. *Story #5 in the series is a set of 2 short prequels* I hope you enjoy this series featured for May's CSR Book Club!


by Thorn Wilde


Description: Marcus is the maladjusted, borderline sadistic and really quite brilliant editor-in-chief of the campus newspaper, and Jacob wants him. The only problem is that Jacob is just about as maladjusted and out of touch as the object of his desire. Contains gratuitous swearing and a bit of a masochist kink.


Stories: Soft Hard Weak Strong Firsts *prequel* Then Things Happened Sex, Booze & Consequences What Meg Said


A reader said of Soft: Hilariously explosive dynamic between our two maladjusted heroes. ~ Miles Long


A reader said of What Meg Said: Totally loved Jacob and Markus and the ever spinning tidal waves they ride! Some more please?! ~ Smoothy


The CSR Discussion day will take place on Monday, May 26th! Thorn has agreed to do a chat time at 11 PM, GST +1 (3 PM, PST and 12 PM, EST)
**Reader Warning** There is a lot of explicit language in this series. Do not read if it bothers you.

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I'm really excited for the discussion day. Don't hold back on the questions, okay? I like the tough ones. :P

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Agreed Mann, an interesting choice.


And at last a reasonable chat time for me :)

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