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September Csr Selection: The Phantom By Dark



I like going through stories on GA and finding things that might not follow the usual run-of-the-mill story path. This month, we're going to have some fun with something the author is describing as fan-fiction of a fan-fiction of a fan-fiction... :unsure2: But, since the author is Dark, I'm sure readers are in for a great ride!

by Dark


Length: 34,195


Description: Meet Mark. He's a TV reporter for a city called Necropolis. Meet Gerry. He's haunted. In a city infested with supers, everyone thinks it's all some big publicity stunt, but is it?


Author note: So, yes, every once in a while even the Great Dark gets caught up in something outrageously silly. This story is fanfiction from a friend's fanfiction that she wrote as a spin-off to even more fanfiction. Lost yet? Never fear! There is a link for you, but beware! If you go there, be prepared for something very silly. Here's the link: http://yaoi.y-gallery.net/club/7664/


A reader said: But it's a very good story!


Don't forget to come back for the CSR Discussion day, taking place on Saturday Sept. 27th. Dark will be available for a live blog chat at noon, Alaska time. Just cause that's not the usual zones, so Pacific would be +1 hour later, Mountain is +2 hours, Central is +3 hours, and East is +4 hours.


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OMG, I can't believe how long ago all this was!  Jimminey crickets!  And The Phantom?  What a silly story!  :gikkle:

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I've been so slack at reading the CSR stories and joining in on discussion day.


This one will be read.  Pinky swear.

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So Noon Alaska time is **tries to do calculations and hurts brain in the process** 9PM my time.


Yay, a sensible hour for the Europeans :gikkle:

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Um, I just realized ... if it's noon in Alaska, it's 1 pm in California, so Pacific TIme is 1 hour earlier .... just saying, if you're confused, please check your time zone cuz I'd hate to miss anyone!

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