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Writing Prompts #350 & #351

Renee Stevens


Hope everyone has had a great week so far. To start your weekend off right, we're bringing you two new prompts supplied by our resident prompt guru, Comicfan. Don't forget to share your prompt responses in the Prompt Forum , you might just find yours being shared next week! Enjoy!


Prompt 350 – Creative
Tag – List of Words
Use the following in a story – farmer, bluebells, a toad, a pond, and a book.


Prompt 351 – Creative
Tag – The Curse
Your family believes it lives under a curse. They say everyone leads a charmed life until the fall in love for the first time and have their heart broken. You just had a very messy break up. Is there a curse and what happens?


This week I decided to feature Krista's response to Prompt #349, Enjoy!

Plush and perfect,
With fur as white as snow.
Hair a dark purple,
With some love would glow.


At first you smelled new,
Like cardboard and plastic.
You were a gift.
I thought you were fantastic.


When I gave a little squeeze,
You would sing a song.
Your hair would light up,
And dance along.


I would hold you when I slept,
You were brave and strong.
I didn’t fear the darkness.
I slept all night long.


To read the rest, click here...

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