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Featured Story: Nick Cringle



How is this month going so fast? December is already halfway gone! Today we're featuring this month's Signature background story, Nick Cringle, by Myr. If you haven't already downloaded your Signature graphic, you can do so here.


by Myr

Signature Author

Reviewer: Celethiel
Status: Complete
Length: 5,676


A story about Santa Claus, except the Santa Claus is 16 year old who has taken over the family business, or as one could put it, Corporation. Which is what it sounds more like. the young man also happens to be gay, however you don't find this out until over half-way through the short story. The story has a general feeling of being rushed, kind of like Santa is rushing through Thankgiving to get all them gifts made for Christmas.


There is no Romance, then suddenly Nick Cringle is picking up a guy to live with at the North Pole, who up to that moment where he explains he's Santa, is only his friend in school.


Its the story that is every American Boy's Dream come true, Get rich, inherit the family corporation, and get a love for life without much effort on at the least the last part.


It's a good story that would have done a lot better if it was drawn out more and had more to it.


For fun, since this story was written so long ago, I thought we'd also feature a review in the story topic from back in 2004 when it was first posted, by Miguelsanchez55:


Truly lovely story dude. I never figured the ending like it was but, oh well, silly me. Should have known better. Great.




Category: 2004 Winter Anthology--Christmas Genre: Fantasy Tags: Teens, Magic, No Sex, Light-heated Rating: Mature

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Well i may have had a better review for you if it was when i originally read the story, I am a little less, now days.... chearful is one of the words i'd use.

another would be more..skeptical, disillusioned and multiple other words that i can't think of :P

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