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Featured Story: Crossing The Moon



It may seem like just a week or two ago that we were reviewing a story, but it has been a month 😮 So why don't you all check out his story that @Timothy M. did a great review for?



Crossing the Moon
by HinderToyBL aka Rambling Robin & Thirdly

Reviewer: Timothy M.
Status: Complete
Word Count: 136,292

One of the great things about GA is that you can find a story about almost any topic, in a multitude of genres. Some are romantic, others serious, many are funny, or sexy or any other description you can think of. So no matter what mood you're in, you can find something that fits. 

If you looking for handsome guys who happen to be werewolves, there are plenty of stories to choose from. One of them is Crossing the Moon written by two authors. They must have needed lots of fans, cold water and others remedies to deal with the sizzling hot sex scenes they write in almost every chapter. I certainly enjoy reading those, but I particularly like how the main characters of the story act with kindness and respect towards each other. I also appreciate how they are clever enough to figure out not only their relationships, but also the mystery dumped in their laps by the Gods.

If you have read anything else by these authors, you know what to expect: Quirky or perky characters, inventive details which make you laugh, lots of different colors in the characters, one of which you'd probably want to cuddle with by the end of the story. Though I have to say, Crossing the Moon has less of the hilarious moments and observations which often have me all :lmao: in their other stories. But I can still recommend it as a light-heartedly hot story to cheer you up.

Category: Fiction  Genres:  Fantasy, General Fiction, Romance, Paranormal  Sub-genres: Drama, General Fantasy, General Romance, Romantic Paranormal  Tags: mature adult, magic. were-creatures, vampire, gay, group sex, modern, love  Rating: Mature


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Thanks so much for your thoughts! All of your opinions and reactions have helped us both over the years. As half of the equation, I'm more than certain Robin feels the same in the regard that we're glad if even one person was entertained by our stories. When I was going over the entire thing for final edits and going over our notes and conversations while we were writing, I saw many, MANY late-night timestamps on our messages around 2AM, the two of us studying for exams and finals while keeping one another awake taking turns writing. A lot of those sexy scenes were written between 1-3AM during the months of spring (spring fever, maybe?).🤣 As for me, I'm personally very appreciative of both having the privilege to write with @Rambling Robin (whose personal stories I am a BIG fan of) and for each and every person that came across the story and received any enjoyment out of it! 

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