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Well, its already late

I've worked hard this year and there are spots where I just can't seem to get ahead. Sometimes it is my fault and sometimes I have help.


I am way behind because with my now way overdue holiday packages I plan to send something homemade. I bought bananas and had pumpkin ready to go so I could make my breads. I left in the am, getting done early for a change, figuring everything would be cooked finally tonight. Dad tossed my bananas saying they had started to turn brown (which is when the sugar is at its highest if you are cooking with bananas) and bag of pumpkin I had brought down to defrost, he thought was something that had gone bad so he threw that out too. So on Tuesday will have to run to rebuy these so I can make my stuff to send.


Also working on Jonas again and have another two stories that were suggested to me that I am also working on. So, things are late but I am finally working on them again.

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