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#ThrowbackThursday- Time Travelin' to the '90s



There's a new t.v. show on VH1 called Hindsight,

. It's a pretty cute, charming show if you're into fluffy romantic comedies, and ESPECIALLY if you're into 90's nostalgia.


Anyway, this is the theme song.



I'm enjoying the hell out of the soundtrack. The 1993-1996 era of music was so damn good. Anybody remember this tune? I had totally forgotten it, but yet it sounded so familiar when I heard it.


Anyway...if you were given a time machine and traveled back in time, is there anything you would do differently?


Me, I would basically re-do almost all of 2007...so many freaking mistakes and mis-steps that year...the only good thing that came out of that year was my friendship with Steve.


I'd also run to the nearest Sublime concert in 1995, damned my being 9 years old. I am so patently jealous of the people that were old enough to be college aged in the 90's, because so much good music was coming out then.


What about you guys?

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I happen to be a big fan of the song and it has been part of my music collection.  I'm a bass player and I happen to like the very prominent bass line in the song.  I also like how the song ends with a piano solo.  I remember learning to play the bass line in the late 90s. :)


Is it just me, or does the lead singer in the video look like a young, drugged Christopher Walken?  This was my first time seeing the video for the song.

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Wow, I too had forgotten all about In The Meantime until I clicked on your link. I freakin' love that song.


As to when I would go back to, I would go back to the not-so-long passed year of 2013. So many mistakes were made on my part in my personal life its horrible. They sometimes still come back to bite me now from time to time. 

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I've always been fascinated by time travel. But you know what's funny? I wouldn't change any moment in my mundane life. None at all. Of course, it's still boring, but I've made great progress. I should be happy with that!

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