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It Doesn't Have to be Pretty, When it's True

People tell me I write beautiful things, wonderful things, adorable things. And I hope this is all true. But I also write awful things, painful things, terrible things. And these are true too.


There tends to be a lot of discussions about what makes good writing, and so often I find myself coming back to that immortal phrase "Write what you know." I might not have grown up in the hayfields of Texas, or ridden in the rodeo, or fallen desperately in love with a beautiful girl in the back of a truck; but everything I write is true.

I know that pain. Feeling your insides trying to rip themselves out from your ribcage. Being so full of anger and pain that it chokes you so you can't speak.

I know the loss. Finding the bottom of your world falling out and leaving you groundless, sunken on the floor with your knees not working.

I am right there with you through the amazing highs. When you're so dizzy with the joy and fierce fire of adoration that the world seems to made of nothing else.


We were always told not to be mean, not to be cruel; but it doesn't matter if it's true. I commit character assassination on a daily basis. Those people I write who you love to hate, most of them are real, at least in part. All of them have done things, terrible things, and for their sins I will do as Chaucer did, and immortalise them in fiction. Every pimple and every character flaw. Naked for eternity.


The things I write are true, some more than others, and so it is important to me that you know just how special each and every review it to me. I am just a kid, well, not so much a kid anymore, sending things out into the big wide world. And without those of you who write back, that would be all it is: just me and my laptop, sitting on the sofa, and writing.


I have no tact, you should no that by now, and I am unashamedly proud of what I do. You don't get this many rep points and recognition without being proud of yourself. And we're always being told to be proud, aren't we? I have no tact; but thank you. Will all my broken adoration; THANK YOU.

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You write life into people, not characters but people, that seem to live and breathe, it isn't always pretty but it's life and it's real.

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Life ain't always beautiful, as Gary Allan sings, tears will fall sometimes, life ain't always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride.

Sasha, your stories resonate so deeply because they are so well, real.  Even the people who inhabit your stories that we start out not liking, (Kieran, Nathan, Kiorl, and Sathriel,) all have redeeming qualities.  It just takes awhile for the layers to be peeled off.

That real-ness, that authenticity, is what makes them all so unforgettable.

It's why I thank you for sharing your gift with us, and why my face lights up when I see a new offering with your name attached.


Chris  (mollyhousemouse)

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Sasha Distan


Even the people who inhabit your stories that we start out not liking, (Kieran, Nathan, Kiorl, and Sathriel,) all have redeeming qualities. 


Even I'm not sure if Sathriel has redeeming qualities... I mean, he is The Devil

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