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A Better Way

I had a conversation recently where someone was frustrated about that pizza place in Indiana who got all those donations. Now there is a few different ways to look at this and mine was - how could people, presumably religious folks who supported the religious views of the shop owners (as opposed to just bigots) support this when there were so many other positive places that money could be used for? Feeding the homeless? Shelters, either human or animal? Unfortunately, the outrage doesn't always help much. The other side of that is, of course, some folks just get tired of listening to the outrage. So what's a better way?


This Go Fund Me page. It lets you know, if 800k can be raised for a pizza place, how well can we do for homeless LGBT kids? Got a few bucks? Let's speak that way - and it'll have a bigger impact than reposting it on Facebook that we're unhappy.

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