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Stuff from Cia

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More than Mechanics!

How much time on a weekly basis, or even monthly, do you spend--not just your actual writing---but on the mechanics of writing? Just browsing a writing website or style guide can be fun if you're a geek like me, and I often reference them when I have a rule I'm not sure of when I'm editing. But the rules of writing aren't the only things to think about; there are all sorts of ways to refine your writing that have nothing to do with proper nouns or proper use of possessive punctuation/formats! ;)


But these things, like creating characters or story hooks, how to create a plot arc, what makes up a believable villain... those aren't things most authors just look up on a whim. So why not have them come to you? I WHOLEHEARTEDLY recommend Writer's Digest to everyone who writes, even if they don't aim to ever publish.


Today's inbox article about How to Introduce Your Hero is fascinating and shares some really great examples that made me think of the way I start a story and bring my characters alive for readers. Check it out, and when you're done, sign up for their newsletter. It comes right to your inbox, and it's totally free!


**I am not associated with Writer's Digest in any way, other than being a fan!

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Caz Pedroso


I signed up a while ago to WD's site (actually I think it was you, Sharon, or Julie that sent me the link) and I started their gramar tutorial (ask Tim how bad I was, I think I'm improving ;) )


great site and well worth signing up. :) 

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Timothy M.


I started their gramar tutorial (ask Tim how bad I was, I think I'm improving ;) )


aaww Caz, I thought I was the reason you got so much better... :(

JK - but it's true I have a lot less editing to do on your chapters now. :yes:

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Caz Pedroso


aaww Caz, I thought I was the reason you got so much better... :(

JK - but it's true I have a lot less editing to do on your chapters now. :yes:


You're still the one who finds where I've missed all those commas. Don't worry I'll still give you plenty to check and change. ;)


And thank you, I feel I've learnt a lot in the time I've been a member of this website and I've made some great friends - present company included :)

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