Tempt not too much the hatred of my spirit, for I am sick when I do look on thee.
Shakespeare really did write the best insults.
Anyways, not a ridiculously eventful week, besides my lack of cash and some nasty people in my life. Watching alot of television, going on spur of the moment dates, and getting trapped in the rain.
Been reading alot of astrology lately. Some philosophy here and there, and classic theatre. Shakespeare. King Lear in particular. Some Hamlet, but i've been through that so many times it barely counts.
So last year, i was in a... i hesitate to call it a relationship, but arguably it was my first major relationship in a couple years. Long story. To summarize, he was a liar and a cheater (big suprise, huh?) but the thing about it being that the man he cheated on me with (the one i know about) works at the business where i work. I have to see him every now and then. And of course theres the fact that i found out FROM him, after a hookup. And of course we never talked again. We trade awkward glances every now and then, but he's never said a word to me outside of generalities.
I loathe to be reminded of him, and the sense of dread i get whenever i walk into the local walmart is only amplified by the fact that i can't put this damn relationship behind me. It follows me to work, home, and i can't even go shopping.
"Methinks thou art a general offence, and every man should beat thee. I think thou wast created for men to breathe themselves upon you."
I really have talent for writing depressing posts, don't I?
On the bright side, my boyfriend/lover/date/undefined has his prom next weekend, and i'm going.
Always end on a high note.
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