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Okay, first entry.

blog-0563904001428094039.pngYes, i've been gone for a long time.


Yes, i never really posted on my blog before.


Yes, i was a bitchy little teenager.


Yeah, i got my just desserts.


Most of you probably don't know me, but for the benefit of those who do, i'm not going to go in to who exactly i am and why i'm on this website right now. It's a long tedious story filled with regret and triggers that i don't want to deal with that at the moment.


So, where to start? I really don't know: let's start off with where i am right now. I have a job. I'm sort of dating someone. I have a car. I have a place to stay, though i wouldn't call it a home.


I have had a really bad week.


Sure, mostly first world problems but my life is a series of interconnected dominos that all topple at once and affect everything else, and i'm not good at dealing with that, and that's all i'm gonna say about it.


I have had a really bad year.


Things are always going well until they aren't. Of course. I may post more in the forums about it but i'm still not sure what to say.


I need some order in my life, to help get me back on track. Which is why i'm typing this right now. I never had a good support system. The closest thing i found when i was a kid was this website and the incredible people who put up with my drama. So here i am again trying to find something worthwile within a messed up world.


But mostly to vent in a silly little blog post noone will read.


So hi, I'm Matt, and i'm a mess.

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Hi Matt!


It sounds like you are developing some insight into your problems and want to make a change.  The best advice I have, is to keep on keeping on with what seems to work and ditch the rest.



Carlos Hazday


Hey, Matt


You were wrong about no one reading. I did. :)



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