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Just thought I'd drop a note now that Lie of the Serpent is done to let anyone who was curious know what I have going on in my head now.


Well, apparently, I've deviated from my original plan. I have a couple ideas floating in my head, one of which was the gymnast one I mentioned in one of my poems and in a previous blog. And I actually started it--one chapter, sort of.


But then another idea hit me--okay, pounded me over the head--because I started it as well. I think I'm more invested in this one right now, and I have five chapters done so far. It's a bit more challenging for me because this one is in first person, and I'm debating on sticking with just the one first person, or alternating between the two MCs. Not seeing the second MC's POV is making it tougher, but might make the story more interesting too. So we'll see. Plus, I thought if it was long enough, maybe I'd hand it over to Cia for the premium thing.


In the meantime, I'd like to try to do at least one prompt each week. I wouldn't want you all to forget me or anything. :)


Of course, the outside world might intrude on that plan, but I'm hoping to stick with it as best as I can.

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  • Site Moderator


That sounds like an interesting change up for you. Forget you? Never. But it is always nice to see those prompt driven stories.

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