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The New Book, Part 2

Well, actually, it’s going swimmingly.


Yesterday I worked on Chapter 3, section 2, and it went better than expected. It just didn’t seem to want to end. It’s mostly dialogue. It’s a party, a barbecue, steaks. There’s a problem on the commune that needs to be solved and the initial six partiers are trying to come to terms with their new situation. Then four new characters show up, which causes just a bit of consternation for the first six.


In the end, there were over 1,800 words. Just when I’d get to a place where the story was at a logical end point, another character or event would take place and off it’d go further down the page. I wish I could tell you the characters’ names, but that would spoil it for everybody. Let’s just say they’re famous. In many ways, you wouldn’t expect the ten of them to be named the way they are, considering the naming convention for the first two chapters.


No, this chapter is very different from the first two, but could be just as dark. There is a lot of humor. In fact, in many ways this is turning out to be a very darkly humorous book. Just the kind I’ve been trying to come up with.


Section 3 has the potential to be a little dull, but I have a feeling there will be a bit of humor, too. With my current mental state, humor seems to be the best medicine.


Last night I was in bed for ten and a half hours, but only got four and a quarter hours of total sleep. Yes, humor is definitely needed.


My son says I’m getting too OCD and I do obsess over the silliest shit, but I’ve been that way for most of my life. Yes, humor does help; though, it doesn’t do much good for the attention deficit problem. The VA keeps sending me forms to ask whether I’ve worked in the past year. I can’t pay enough attention to somebody talking to me to learn how to do a job. My son and I will be talking and I’ll get distracted by the dog or the tube, and I end up saying ‘Huh?’ But, I’ve been that way for most of my life, too. That’s why I ended up being very close to a total failure in high school and an absolute failure in college. Try as I might I could never get enough concentration going on long enough to get anything done.


No, writing keeps me on an even keel and I suppose I’ll keep doing it until the upstairs turns to mush and the VA sends me to a nursing home to die.


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