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The New Book, Part 4A

What a day!


The neighbor’s Weimaraner got out of its run, again, and was terrorizing the neighborhood. It’s basically a very nice dog, but just a little timid and, of course, dumb as a door nail, but it’ll crap in the most inconvenient place, like our front yard.


Rambo was having a total fit whenever he caught sight of the other dog. For two long hours, Rambo ran from one window to the next trying to see where the dog had gotten to, twice knocking over his water bowl. He got so foamy at the mouth from his constant barking you could’ve sworn he was rabid.


The Book?


Well, we out on a limb today. Wrote nearly 2,100 words in Chapter 4 about an 11 year-old girl who hits puberty a little early. Now, on Hercules III that is strange because there puberty doesn’t start until age 12 at the earliest, most times later. So an 11 year-old in the 5th year between age 11 and 12 (there are 20 years in total), puberty is definitely not supposed to start. So, she’s sent to a medical center to find out what’s wrong. Well, something is wrong.


But, it was a stretch trying to get the wording right to fit someone that age. Plus, a little bit of research on how puberty works for girls helped a lot, too. Then there was a bit of research on intersex conditions. I thought of using some existing condition, but decided it would serve the story better if I came up with something different. After all, with the new birthing methods used on Hercules III, new diseases and syndromes are inevitable.


Nothing’s perfect in a bot perfect world.


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