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The New Book, Part 4B, And 5

I’ve decided to end Chapter 4 at 4,064 words. I’m sure there will be more with revision, but there just doesn’t seem to be anywhere to go further than when two 11 year-old girls admit not to have feelings toward each other. You just can’t go any further. It’s an important point in life. You have to stop a chapter somewhere and those two came to an end. Well, not totally. They have a full life ahead of them, if the bots or the hazards of living don’t get them first. They will be back in future chapters and maybe they might have feelings for each other or maybe they’ll just be the kind of good friends that hold on to the very end. It’s hard to say where they will go. Both are good characters, though. One is a mutant and the other a convicted criminal, what more could you ask of two characters.


The next chapter is full of 11 year-old love, at least from one side, anyway. Two characters from Chapter 1 come back and one admits a deep secret to the other. The protagonist from Chapter 1, Gene (Eugenus) and his friend, Moli, have a romp in the broccoli and just might become very good friends, or will they? After all, Gene is only second year 11 and Moli is first year, what could they have in common. Gene’s stepparents raise vegetables and grain, Moli’s stepparents raise fruit. Gene will be studying molecular biology in university; while Moli has her heart set on ancient languages, mainly computer and operating systems, which may help get her a job with the bots, if she can show enough aptitude to pick up on their languages, systems, and pass rigorous physical, mental, and security tests and investigations (bots don’t allow just anyone to mess with their internal software structures).


Anyway, Chapter 5 sounds like fun and might end sometime further in the future when the children do go off to university. (Moli hopes they go to the same one so she can be close to “her (Sally Brown) sweet baboo (Linus)”). Remember to Google, so not to confuse some who might think I was talking about the Sweet Baboo from Wales.


By the way, I hate Microsoft Word’s grammar checker. As in: “what more could you ask of two characters”, Green Line!, suggests “asks” instead, as in: “what more could you asks of two characters.” Tell me, who talks or writes like that. It sounds like my redneck in-laws from Arkansas. Asks, sheesh!


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