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Cbdt Chapter 10 (2 More Chapters Then Hiatus Break)



The plot thickens; the relationship between Hunter and Kevin is complicated to say the least. There is definitely romantic and sexual tension, but losing a lover is not something you can get away from easily, nor is a Nervous breakdown really a great start of a romance. I am being realistic with the two of them, if they do form a lasting bond eventually, it will have to be done through a long drawn out process of soul searching.


As for poor Jeremy, he is like many others before him. a rising star who rose too quickly and fell hard, while bringing others down with him. Is he a bad person? No, you've seen his interactions with Hunter, he's just a like many of us at his age, so full of angst and sexual urges. Add to that his former popularity, you create the perfect scapegoat. He is an innocent boy caught in an evil man's scheme.


Now as you have read the future in my Christmas Special; I also am not 2 dimensional, John Milton, my aptly named villain, may be a Christian Fundamentalist zealot, but he isn't completely wrong. After the murder of the Pope and a bomb destroying one of the holiest sites in Christianity Saint Peter's Basillica, no one will doubt his convictions were correct even if they harbor disagreements with his methods or other "hateful" ideals.


The speech at the end of the story resonates back to a basic principle behind modern Jewish Nationalism and its overriding principle against the threat of "extermination". The phrase that people are so afraid to use as a denouncement against oppression and acts of Genocide must be repeated, not only by Jews, but by all of us who are in danger of death due to communal hate or apathy, "Never Again".


Those two words should be enshrined in everyone's mind, not just today in my story, but through the ages to come. "Never Again" must be used more, not less out of political correctness as LGBT people have as much right to invoke those words even more in a world where nation's and religions still pursue our destruction.


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