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April Signature Excerpt: Pour Me Another By K.c.



Did you miss Monday's blog post featuring the ad and signature graphics for K.C.'s novel, Pour Me Another? Never fear, you can check it out here and download your copy to help share your love of his story. Today, K.C. has an excerpt he wanted to share with you!


K.C. says... I think this glimpse shows the start of Asher and Michael's friendship. They are two guys from very different lives, but their friendship grows into much more. The nightlight, the city, friendship, betrayal, love and hate, this story has it all with a modern twist.


“Waitress,” Michael lifted his glass in the air to get the woman’s attention, “Pour me another Rum and Coke.”


Asher frowned when several customers glared in their direction. Michael already drank three mixed drinks and they both had two glasses of wine with their meal. “Don’t you think you’ve had enough to drink tonight?”


Michael glanced at him as if he was confused by what Asher asked him. There was no delicate way to say it, so Asher decided to be blunt, “Listen, Michael, maybe you should cut back on your drinking--”
“That’s rich from a guy who makes his living serving alcohol.”


“Yeah, you’re right, but I’ve seen enough drunks to know when someone has a problem.” Asher held Michael’s gaze. The tightness in his chest started to relax when Michael set his empty glass on the table, but the waitress was already on her way to the table, so Asher intercepted her. “Thank you miss, but he actually wanted to order a regular Coke, if you don’t mind.”


She glanced between them. Michael winked at the girl and told her, “Don’t worry, babe, we’ll still pay for the drink, even if my friend won’t let me drink it.”


Asher chuckled and took the glass from the waitress’ hand and downed the brown liquid in one gulp.
“You’re a prick,” Michael growled, once the girl walked away, which brought tears to Asher’s eyes as he threw his head back and laughed.


“Keep it up and I’ll rescind your invitation.” Michael kept glaring at Asher.


Clutching his chest as his breathing slowly returned to normal, Asher raised his eyebrows and asked Michael, “What invitation? If you’re talking about dinner, you’re a little bit too late, don’t you think?” Asher continued to chuckle, pointing to the empty dishes scattered around the table. Their dinner had been very expensive; add in the cost of drinks plus dessert and Michael had more than made up for stiffing Asher on his tip the other night.


“Not to dinner,” Michael said with a huff, “I was going to invite you to our weekly basketball game tomorrow. A couple of guys get together every Sunday afternoon at the Piperton Athletics Club…so…” The way Michael phrased it left the invitation very open-ended.


Piperton was very exclusive. The membership alone was incredibly expensive. Asher caught a few pick-up games, every now and then, at the community park in Onyx Hills, but playing somewhere like Piperton would be a whole different ballgame.


“Sure, I’ll play with you.” Asher tried to keep the excitement out of his voice.


“Wait! Before we get there and you embarrass the crap out of me, are you any good?” Michael teased. He had the cutest dimples when he smiled. They were deeper than a thumb print, drawing Asher’s attention to Michael’s sweet smile.


Asher knew that Michael saw the various athletic jerseys and equipment in his apartment. When it came to sports, Asher was a natural. He shrugged his shoulders and replied coyly, “I’ve played a time or two in my life.” Their playful banter was refreshing. It felt like foreplay. The more Michael teased him, the more it turned Asher on. “But if you really want to see me in action, baseball is my game of choice.” A wide grin split Asher’s face as he bragged about his athletic ability.


Michael nodded his dark head, taking in what Asher had revealed about himself. “Personally, I played lacrosse in high school and college, but I haven’t been able to find too many guys in the city interested in playing.”


“I would have pegged you for a football kind of guy,” Asher’s eyes glided over Michael’s broad shoulders before he could stop himself from openly admiring the man’s physique. When Michael laughed, he was slightly put at ease. Michael was being so friendly that Asher was positive that the guy hadn’t figured out yet what team Asher really played for.


Want to read more? Check out the rest of the story here!

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Reading this again makes me want to reread the whole story! :) I loved Asher and Michael.

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Reading this again makes me want to reread the whole story! :) I loved Asher and Michael.

Me, too!

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Thanks so much guys!!!! I don't have a sequel in store for Asher and Michael but I am working on some new stuff.  Nothing's ready yet.  Life has been sooooo crazy, but it was awesome to see readers liking my stories :D

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Thanks so much guys!!!! I don't have a sequel in store for Asher and Michael but I am working on some new stuff.  Nothing's ready yet.  Life has been sooooo crazy, but it was awesome to see readers liking my stories :D

Anything would be great from you, KC; it's been way too long since I've read anything from you. I love the way you write and how you combine your own humor in your stories. :)

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I just finished reading Pour Me Another and I thoroughly enjoyed the entire story. If you haven't read it, check it out. I think you'll like it too. 


Well done K.C.! :)


PS: I will Like the chapters as my Like machine allows. 

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