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Stories Update

Hey y'all :hug:
It's been a while since I have been properly active on GA. I was not being able to talk to my GA friends. It is mostly because I don't have a computer for now. I used to share one with my mother but they moved to a different place the past month. I do miss having deep and light conversations with the people here and it's been a while since I have done any reading :( . But I am actually writing this blog to give an update on my stories. If anyone if following my stuff, they'll notice that my most of my stories haven't been updated in a long time. I felt that I needed to explain y'all :unsure: .
So, I started writing "A New Life Across the World" in an attempt to improve my writing skills. But after I took the exam, my muse kinda deserted me on the story :facepalm: . I have a feeling that is partly because I kinda did well in the exam and felt that the story served its purpose. I still know how it progresses and ends but I seem to miss a something in the middle. Something that's quite important for the story. So, I changed it to on hold a couple months ago. I plan on returning to it some day. Hopefully that day will come soon.
Then there's "My Journey to Victory" . It is a about me during my teenage years. It also happens to be my first one. I have no problems with my muse on this one. But seeing myself as a main character in a story :no: I was not ready for it when it was posted. There was so much of myself there. I don't think I am still ready by any means for that. At one point, I have thought about unpublishing it but then thought against it. I just didn't want to remove something that's so close and personal to me but the fact that the story contains so much of me made me uncomfortable as it was is available for everyone to see(read). I hope to get back to it someday (when I am comfortable seeing myself as a main character :( ). I cannot give you a definite time for that to happen. So, I as soon as I post this blog am going to change its status to "on hold".
My most recent story is "Leo and Mario". It originated as a present for Drew's 21st birthday but due to encouragement from my friends and readers I decided to continue it. The characters were easy to write on this one. This one is most likely to receive a new chapter soon as it is based on prompts and does not follow a definite story line. But I am not positive any of these stories will get an update this year.
The reason is because I am right now without a computer and will remain so until next year. As most of my GA friends know, I'll be moving to Australia this Christmas. So, buying a new PC now will make mine a foreign model in Australia and proper service will not be available :no: I have had those experiences with a laptop my dad brought in UK and those are easily one of the worst experiences I've had with services till date :thumbdown: . I hope to be able to buy one soon after I get properly settled there.
I do have a couple of ideas (three actually) for new stories. But I know where I am now and I am well aware that 2 of those are too advanced for me. I am working on the third one and I scraped 6 versions of it before I decided to consult Drew about it. I am trying to work on it but I only have an iPad mini with me and typing without a keyboard sucks (quite literally). But I don't want to post it unless I get to a point in the story where I would feel confident that it'll write itself. And also, I am well aware that I do not have a way with words like many of my GA friends and sometimes I do wish I could write poems :( but I cannot rhyme a single word for godsakes. You should have seen the time I tried to write a poem and spent 3 hours wondering which word rhymes with orange :facepalm::lol: I do wish to have authorly (I just made that up) conversations with the many talented authors here but am too embarrassed by my lack of skills :blushing: I often struggle with words to properly express my thoughts :unsure2: which explains my higher use of emoticons.
I wanted to participate in this anthology but wasn't able to come with a proper story that fit the theme :( I'll try next time :)
And finally signing off, I'll just say that I am committed to finishing all the stories I started. Just don't give up on me. Without y'all, I wouldn't exist as an author :hug:

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Emi GS


:facepalm: Nothing to worry and hurry. :gikkle: Take your time and let the muse take care of the business than letting your upset mind. :thumbup:



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