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Donating Stem Cells



Stem cells are a critical part of the human immune system. The sit beneath white cells and T-cells and usually reside in the bone marrow.


In certain types of cancers like leukemia and bone marrow cancer, the damaged stem cells must be cleaned out by chemotherapy and radiation and re[laced by healthy stem cells. Those stem cells establish themselves and go to work.


This is very tricky as small genetic variations can cause disaster. An identical twin would be the best match. Then statistics and probability take over.  Sometimes related donors but only 1 out of 4 times.


I'm donating for my older brother. He's pretty sick with an aggressive form of bone marrow cancer.    


The way this works is that you are given an injection of a drug that makes the stem cells all frolic and gets  them moving around. You take three injections over three days. Down side is that it makes you feel like you have the flu with sore joints and all over aches. 


On the fourth and fifth days they connect you to a machine and collect the stem cells for transplantation.


It's not very exciting. All I want to do is sleep. And take Tylenol. I feel like crap but it'll pass quickly after we stop taking that drug.


I just hope it works.  



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Continued prayers for you and your brother. Godspeed that it's successful.

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We hope it works also, James.  Sending positive thoughts your way.

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Well that sounds better that harvesting marrow from you! Don't know why I got that in my head.


You got this James.  Prayers for success.

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  • Site Moderator


Sending positive thoughts for you and your brother, James. Good luck to you both. 

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I hope it works too. 

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Will Hawkins


Your method of extracting stem cells sounds icky, but my best wishes go with you and your brother. I wrote a story (unpublished to date) in which undifferentiated stem cells were extracted from fetal cord blood then reproduced in an artificial blood substitute, harvested and freeze-dried to preserve. This resulted in a powder which could be encapsulated and administered orally. I could only wish this method would work as the reproduction of undifferentiated stem cells would mean no cross-matching and no time limit for dosing. Your generosity in donating stem cells to your brother is saving his life I am sure. I'll thank you and I am sure he is grateful as well!

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