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Writing Prompts #740, #741, #742, & #743

Renee Stevens


Well, I've kind of slacked this week (read as completely forgot), and there was no Wednesday post. I had a plan, but the good news is that the current Q & A has been extended, so you have until the end of this month to get your answers to me! Also, there were no prompts last week since we had a promotion announcement, so this week I'm making up for it with 4 new prompts for you to contemplate and perhaps use to pen your next story!  Happy Writing!





Prompt 740 – Creative

Tag – Elf

You needed a vacation, away from all the noise, people, and technology. You dug out your hiking boots, tent, knapsack, and packed up. You took the bare necessities and go deep into the forest to relax. Your first night was great, but after your second day you feel like you are being watched, and by the third you know so. When you decide to find out who is tracking you, you find yourself face to face with an elf. Now what?


Prompt 741 – Creative

Tag – Vampire

In this day and age, he was a rarity. He was twenty four, handsome, intelligent, healthy, and crushingly shy.  He worked on a computer from his apartment and barely had any face to face contact. When he spotted the odd man one night outside his apartment, he was sure he had to be mistaken. He was tall, dark, with red eyes, and sharp white teeth. Being the nerd he was, he raced home and began to research on his computer. What he wasn’t ready for was opening his door and finding him standing there. He sniffed once, smiled widely, and simply said, “A Virgin!” What happened next?



Prompt 742 – Creative

Tag – First Line

Smell of fresh dirt and rotting flesh filled the small bedroom as he crawled away from the nightmare that slowly shuffled through the doorway.


Prompt 743 – Creative

Tag – Spring

The first buds of spring had broken through the ground. Demeter smiled as her daughter slowly made her way into her embrace. This time Demeter decided she would create something special for her daughter, Persephone. What does Demeter do to celebrate her daughter’s homecoming?





So, have you written a new prompt response over the last couple of weeks? Share a link in the comments!



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I hadn't realised quite how behind I was with putting the prompts into the forum.  :*)  Apologies. I'm all caught up now though.  :) 

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