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April CSR Feature: The Assassin by Lilansui



No April Fools, we're really featuring The Assassin by Lilansui this month for the CSR story! Darkish, lightish, twisted, different, definitely what you don't expect... what more could you ask for? Read the description and check out the review from one of the readers who thought he'd just give it a quick glance... then make sure you're ready come back and share your thoughts on the Discussion Day on Monday, April 29th! 


The Assassin

by @lilansui


Length: 71,240

Description:  Kian spills his strawberry milkshake on Daven at a Mall Food Court. Daven is caught between irritation and fear when Kian follows him to the men's bathroom. In mere minutes, Dr. Daven Noland meets Kian Raja, an Assassin with a warped sense of humor, and a valid contract with Daven's name.


A Reader Said:  On a whim, I decided to read this story last night. It was 10 p.m. and I figured I would read the first couple of chapters before I went to bed...The time read 5 a.m. by the time I read the final word of The Assassin.


I lost a night's worth of sleep, so, the question is, was it worth it? Oh, who am I kidding, of course it was worth it! This story kept me on the edge of my seat, my heart racing at every moment of danger, and me swooning at each and every romantic moment.


This is one of those stories that I know I'll reread and never get tired of it. ~ @Drew Espinosa



Don't forget to come back and comment on the Discussion Day on Monday, April 29th! 

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