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Prompt Team Event Stories Due Tuesday! ×
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When i started this journey of discovery i had a lot of help from a lot of Great Sirs. They answered all of my questions and gave me a lot of things to think about. i had a bad experience and learned from it. 

I then met my  current boyfriend he has open my eyes to a lot of new experiences. (i have been given permission to share this) we are both older over 65. We have a good time together. Our first meeting was 7 hours just sitting and talking on his deck. We then have been on a few dates, usually dates movies, dinner and a play. We do have a great relationship. This may not be the standard D/s relationship but this works for us. Ours roles are fluid and we both enjoy this. 

i went into this thinking one way but life throws a curve ball and it was a hit. The main thing is we talk to each other and we are honest. 

So the confession is that everything is not set in stone. You need to be open to new experiences. What works for some relationships might not work for you. Never pigeon hole your thinking and think that everything is black or white there is a lot of fun in the grey area

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