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Guest Prompts #9 & #10



Hiya all, if you see me here now, that means it is finally Friday! Whew, we made it through another work week. That is if you don't work on weekends. If that is the case, let me raise a soda to you!

Prompt #9 - Creative   Brought to you by @aditus

Someone comes home and finds a black and white photo they never saw before on their coffee table.

Two laughing men wearing birthday hats. The upper left corner of the photo is singed. On the back it reads: Steve and Mike 1954.

Explain how the photo found its way way onto the coffee table and who the two men are.




Prompt #10 - Creative   Brought to you by @Valkyrie

Take a character from one fairy tale and place them in another. What is different from their original tale? How do they fare in their new environment?


Well now it is time for all you poets, authors, editors, and members all to ponder the prompts and produce a prose or non prose response. ;) 

So git at em!!!

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