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Camy's Blog

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Why Blog?



I've been sitting here looking at a blank screen for nearly twenty minutes, and it suddenly struck me why? why do I feel the need to blog - as neat a euphemism for cathartic soul cleansing as one could hope for. Now the Church is in decline, perhaps blogging is the only true confessional left to us. Not that I've ever been to confession...


I blog because I think I have something to add to the day to day 'diary' of my life. But why here? Well... I feel safe here, in that I can say things about a part of my life I am too damn frightened to say elsewhere. I can talk about my life and especially my sexuality in a uniquely secret yet very public way.


Woot! :P


GA Rocks!


Camy B)


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Yeah it does! :2thumbs:


I dunno, I kinda feel like talking/writing about your experiences gives them an extra meaning. Especially writing about them, because then you can look back a year or so in the future and see "where you were".


Anyway have a great day!




I kinda feel like talking/writing about your experiences gives them an extra meaning. Especially writing about them, because then you can look back a year or so in the future and see "where you were".

Absolutely. But why here? Why online? Why not is a little book mostly kept locked in a deep bottom drawer?

I'm always amazed at where I was a year ago, yet I never seem to be where I'm supposed to be in the here and now... still, never mind eh!


Cheers Kevin


Camy B)

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