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Prompt 890 and Prompt 891



Welcome to July. Did you miss me? Hopefully, you enjoyed the anthology. Time for some new prompts.

Prompt 890 - Creative 

Tag - First Line

You touch a hair on his head and I will break your hand! Do you understand me?

Prompt 891 - Creative

Tag - Stanger 

There had been filled with electricity all day. As evening fell, the storm finally arrived with heavy rain, lightening, and thunder. From the darkness he strode out, a large hat that hid his face. Nearly seven foot tall he walked like a phantasm with his coat billowing in the rain. The stranger had arrived and everything would change. Why?

So those are the new offerings in the prompts. Hopefully, something appeals to you. Until next time. Remember to read, write, comment, and like.  Stay safe. 

storm GIF


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