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Is It Too Early To Talk About Christmas?



Well the blog title asks the question, so it too early to talk about Christmas? I hope not, but then this isn't necessarily what you think it's about.

This isn't about my Christmas, well may be it is in a way, or even your Christmas, It's about what I and many other people have been doing lately and how it affects Christmas for others. Some of you may know that I volunteer with a local organisation that supports homeless people, as I'm currently not face to face with our clients I carry out many of the admin duties. The last few days have been taken up with end of month admin which is a pain, but for the last few weeks I've doing the rounds with the begging bowl approaching businesses that support us on a regular basis and others that I hope will support us.

It's been a hard slog, the financial crisis that we are affected by has also affected many businesses, some of our support has been cut back and a few businesses that did support us have gone out of business, I'm hoping that some of the other businesses will come on board. You are no doubt wondering why I am posting this, well the answer is simple really, I'm rattling the begging bowl. No I'm not asking anyone to send me anything, so let's get that clear. Like I have already said I know that the current financial crisis has affected most of us and that is not good. But the same financial crisis has affected others far more seriously, the truth is many are now living below the poverty line, some have lost their jobs and others have lost their homes. It's not just adults that have been affected by this, there are many children suffering too. What I'm asking is can you help? If you can in whatever small way it is please look within your own community and/or look up local charities that help those in need in your area and contribute whatever you can. Even if it's only a few pounds/dollars it will help, if your local supermarket has a collection point for food for a local food bank any extra tins or packets of food will help them to help those that need it. All charitable organisations are struggling those in need so any donations will be gratefully accepted. Even all you can give is some of your time that's more than okay, volunteers are just as valuable.

If you cannot afford to do so please don't feel bad, just do your best to get by, there is help out there if you need it.

Thank you for reading this and if are in a position to help one of your local charities, on their behalf I thank you in advance.



Edited by Mancunian

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Thanks for posting this! This is indeed an important topic and I hope, enough people read this. And of course thanks for doing what you do!


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Thank you @Zuri for commenting and taking notice. But please do not thank me for what I do, it is something close to my heart and to the hearts of my family, it's the way we were brought up and what we believe we should do. We are luckier than many and as we were told by our father, privilege comes with responsibility.

Edited by Mancunian
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I wish, everybody would be a little more like you, @Mancunian. Sounds like your father was a bit like Uncle Ben from Spider-Man (not the guy with the rice). Unfortunately, many have a blind spot for their own privilege.

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There are more people like me than most realise, there are thousands, if not millions, of people around the world who do what they can to help, that makes me as one person just a small cog in the bigger machinery of what we do.

As for my father he was more than that, he was my best friend. After suffering abuse as a child he and his brother were adopted by a wonderful couple who I'm proud to have known as my grandparents. To quote my father from when ever he spoke about his adoptive father, 'If could half the man he was I would be a better man than I am today.

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