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mumpsimus - Word of the Day - Sun Aug 11, 2023




mumpsimus - (noun) - a traditional custom or notion adhered to although shown to be unreasonable

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 Despite the evidence, he clung to his mumpsimus, refusing to change his outdated beliefs.


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When you are born and raised in the South, sometimes it’s difficult to shake some of the mumpsimus of our culture. Honor codes, expected manners and beliefs we are raised with make us feel a bit like aliens in a culture that seems defined by no culture at all.

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Hold on to your mumpsimus. Here come the answers.

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7 hours ago, JamesSavik said:

born and raised in the South

So was I, but being Catholic, continuously broke, cousinless, half-northerner, and an NPR listener, I was an outsider. We were always running up against our grandparents' mumpsimuses because Mother (I call my mother Mother, like Norman Bates) didn't learn us proper.


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