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Lucy Kemnitzer


Ah, youth . . .


Then time of one's life where one's identity might be very flexible. Notice I said "might" -- it's pretty clear you know who and what you are.


Nice thing that you can be patient and figure out what's really going on.


And I'm so sorry about the snow, even if it does get you some time off. I'm getting antsy about the rainy season, myself -- the longer it goes on not starting, the more times I'm committed to going out and doing Urban Watch water sampling in the storm drains, and the older it gets. On the other hand, I have a young friend living in the forest, and when it does start raining I either have to bring him into my house (and I can't stand living with him, he's really quite annoying through no fault of his own: he's got some mental thing going on) or feel guilty about it. I am trying to get him set up with SSI and stuff, but that's the long term, and this is the short term.


Oy, how much worse it would be if he and I lived where you do -- what do homeless people do in the winter where you live?


(maybe they move to Santa Cruz, I don't know)



:blink: Wow. Sorry Dom, I know this is your life, but wow!




Does this mean you don't have to watch as much TV as you did before?


Take Care,





Different thought - but is he out about being gay? I mean, have you two gone out and obviously are "with" each other? Or might this be his way of going on a romantic date with you, but ... I dunno... safer cause you're both with women. Though you might be glossing over how he put it to you, "date" doesn't necessarily mean sleep with...


In the end though - ya, very weird.



Heh - I think Dom is the only person who can post a blog entry, and have three people simultaneously respond to it (check out the post times of the above replies).



Heh - I think Dom is the only person who can post a blog entry, and have three people simultaneously respond to it (check out the post times of the above replies).


Yeah...not only all at the same time, but all (including yours) within 15 minutes of the blog entry. I guess that indicates readers really like Dom.


Dom, hope your weekend is better than expected.



I think I would have felt like I had fallen asleep and woken up into someone else



I'd say, if you're thinking this might be the beginning of a breakup, then that is what deep down, you really want to happen.


Either that, or you're actually insecure about this particular relationship and need some more solid re-assurance. Though it would be interesting to find out what sparked the significant other's train of thought.



old bob


Hey Dom

Did the night bring you a better solution ?




haha, sorry to laugh, but I can't believe how amusing that situation is. Its like something that would happen in one of your stories; he's a character for sure. hahaha, oh, uh, good luck. Wish you guys the best, ha!



As Dan Savage might say: DTMFA. :blink:



:lmao: All kidding aside, I wonder if he's just insecure about your guys's relationship? Y'know, testing out the water, seeing what's cool, what's not, etc...


Although, I do find it amusing that he doesn't want you dating guys when you're gay. Maybe he doesn't want you to find another guy? Hmmmm. This is one interesting situation you've found yourself in, Dom.



This was a beautifully written blog. So skillful. The subject matter though was quite painful. Been there of course.


Yet that you were able to weave this experience so well into the cool web of language might show that you are on your way to being over it. He is almost certainly unaware of the damage he has done.


So sad...



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