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How Childish Can Things Get

Today, I got the strangest email from my boss, addressed to me and the Housekeeping and Laundry Supervisors. This email informed all six of us that we are not longer to sit with our staff at Break and Lunch times. When some of the staff found out about it, they all said that's ridicules. The time is spent socializing and not talking about work.


I may not be able to sit with them, but I'm certainly not going to run them off if they choose to sit with me at lunch and outside in the smoking area. And I'm certainly not going to get up and leave when they do. I mean, how rude is that. It's even worse for one the supervisors as his wife works in the laundry. They can sit together, but they can't sit with the others.


The person that I think is behind it, is one who likes to stir things up and the next time she comes up to me during break time with a work related question, and she does it often, I'll tell her no, it can wait until break is over and she can come to my office and ask it.


End Rant.




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