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okay so hell froze over... three times!



Joey and my angel BOTH blogged yesterday and then beautiful today... I think I'm being left behind :P Well screw that! HAHAHAHA!


Let me start by saying... YAWN! I need some :sleep:


So I have a few funny holiday stories...


First one is... Tony, and Rich's friend Joe who was visiting for the holidays, were out Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve cause Tony waited till the last minute like some freak, and Joe wasn't aloud to bring anything on the plane... So apparently they were trying to come up with some gift ideas for me when my daughter suggested some gay romance novels. Off to Borders book store they go, and Tony, who is so totally carefree and usually has no fear when it comes to doing what he wants or needs to do, walks up to the clerk working and asks where the romance novels are. The guy points over toward them and then Tony tells him no, gay ones. So there is Tony, standing there with Joe, asking the guy about the gay romance section, and the guy walks them over to it, and while Tony has no qualms about what people might think, Joe is getting a little antsy now about how it may appear and then when Tony walked away to look at some other books, Joe chickened out and opted for a gift card for me instead... which I used to buy a book about self publishing :D


I made it to LAX and back twice! Without getting lost!! But I did make Tony go with me the first time so... :*)


Rich and Tony bought me a GPS for my car, but it's not one you install into the dashboard, it's like... portable so if we are ever on vacation or in a rental car I can still have it with me :2thumbs: Now I just have to learn how to work it :wacko:


So I have decided that I MUCH prefer candid photos of me as opposed to posed ones... I just always look SO much better. I have a pretty cool one of me 'modeling' Rich's new VW guitar that came with my car.


Okay so on the writing front, the anthology is up and thanks to all of you who read and commented or emailed. Chapter 23 of FBTE is a little over half done so hopefully between tomorrow night and my day off on Wednesday I can get it finished up... that is unless my friend Bette shows up from Arizona to visit for the day :unsure: Well, think good thoughts anyway...


Rich finally got his new computer working :D Ooooh and.. he talked to Davey :wub: That was pretty fun, but more fun was the phone call to Davey on New Year's Eve! ;) HAHAHAHA! :wub:


OMG! I just saw right now as I was telling my son to go brush his teeth for bed, that he has two wiggly teeth! :o His first ever! :D He's growing up so fast!


Anyway, it's bedtime for me, Eric says so... :wub:


Hope everyone had a GREAT New Year!


Hugs, Viv


Recommended Comments

Lol Viv,


Me and Eric was wondering what you were up to last night, Now what did Davey say to Rich last night :P

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