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Time In A Bottle

Ok, so it's update time again :)

I just sent chapter one of my next story, Time In A Bottle, off to Talonrider. it's still in Beta Mode, so I haven't completed all of the changes to the first chapter that I plan on making. On the other hand, I personally feel like it's off to a good start, and that things are going to flow relatively smooth once I get the little bugs worked out.

This story's much different than anything I've ever written before. I wasn't too sure i really wanted to tackle something like this, but I felt like if I didn't, I'd never be able to grow as an author. My main issue in this story is dealing with heartache on a massive scale, something people don't tend to see in my work. True, I've had a couple sad short stories lately, but I don't think they come close to comparing to what's in store for the main character of this story.

Which brings me to my next issue.....the main character in this story is in his mid sixties, so I'm really counting on my beta readers to tell me if I'm F'ing up somewhere along the way.


In other news, Chapter Six of Staking My Claim and Chapter 25 of Bodega Bay are posted. The last chapter of both stories ended with cliff hangers that have earned me some rather testy emails :pickaxe: Bodega Bay is winding down now, so if your waiting for the story to be finished before you read it, you don't have too much longer to wait.

As soon as I'm done with Bodega Bay, I'll be devoting more time to Staking My Claim, which I admit to neglecting lately. As soon as I finish Staking My Claim and Time In A Bottle, I have a plan for a series that I'm hoping people can get behind, but I don't want to give away the details just yet.

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Let me know when they are ready as I cant wait to read them. :)

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