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there is a god...



Mmmhmm, I met him too~ We cruised, we talked, we texted covert style, it was fun! He wore his Nittany Lions cap... I wore my Volcom hat... I think I'm not supposed to mention his large amount of random blushing for no real reason... so I better not talk about that. Hmm, what else? I guess we should ask him... but I had fun :D He brought his sisters along to meet my crazy family so then there were eight of us.


What can I say about him? Funny, good sense of humor, creative, cute, somewhat shy, which was pretty endearing if you ask me, patient, brave, tall, not that EVERYONE isn't taller than me, but that's another story, and if I didn't totally scare him off with my lip gloss talk, I think it went well :D


So the plan was he would text me when he got there, and he did. We decided to meet by a ride and headed that way only to get stopped by Alice, you know, from Wonderland... She was walking past me and all these kids are saying, "Look! There's Alice in Wonderland," and instead of stopping to say hi to them, she walks right up to the one kid who has no idea who she is, my son. She sat down right next to him and in her English accent says, "Have you seen the white rabbit?" And my son is like :huh: "I haven't seen any white rabbit. I was just driving a car." So then he proceeds to teach Alice how to drive a car while I am impatiently trying to get him to be done so we can go meet... STEVE! :wub:


So then we start walking and get stuck at the parade <_< I was like... what ELSE can hold us up now? We manage to navigate our way over to where we are supposed to meet up with him and then I see him... poised, leaning against a brick wall, smiling, talking with two girls, who I decide are his sisters since I have seen a picture of them before. I walk over and hug him and introduce Rich and my kids and my daughter's friend that came along. I introduced myself to his sisters and then my son promptly says, "I have to go to the bathroom!" :rolleyes: So I ask Rich, since we were just at the bathrooms, if he took him like I had said to, and he says, "No, he said he didn't have to go..." Mmhmm... So Rich took him back to the bathroom while we stood there and talked a bit.


So when they came back, we waited in lots of lines, talked alot, rode some rides, waited for shopping sisters, and girls who have to potty... and had some fun and laughed, and then it came time for us to go since the kiddies had school the next morning. So I hugged him again... I like to hug...


All in all, it was a fun day, and I'm totally glad we got to go and meet each other, although next time... I think it will have to be a writing day maybe, so we can talk about stuff. His sisters were cool and all, but I would rather hang out with him anyday and talk, than shop with them... :wub:


So in other news.. this jerk of a man came through my line and after having to wait for these two women who, granted, were totally messed up in their shopping etiquette... and made some irrational comment about 'trying to figure out which onw of them was supposed to be the man in their relationship' :o so when I just stared at him like he was SO far out of line by saying that he says, "Just pretend that what I said went over your head." To which I replied, "Oh no, I understood what you meant perfectly." <_< ASSHOLE! *mutters*


My son stayed home sick from school today so that means I get to stay home from work too! :2thumbs: Hope he gets better soon though, cause I like my babies feeliing good and smilling :D


Davey :wub: sent me a text I didn't get... :o that's like the third thing in a week I haven't gotten! Viv = PISSED! :pissed: *mutters more*


Almost done with FBTE 23 so I'll get it to Joey as soon as I'm done, so look for it soon and then Steve will actually get to use that line he has saved in his signature for like months now... :*)


Anyway, that's my meeting Steve story... maybe he has something more to add or he can tell you how weird I am in person... :unsure: back to writing...


Hugs, Viv


PS. Angel... :wub: hope you're feeling better and not in too much pain anymore... any volunteers to give this fantastic man a massage? ;)


Recommended Comments

Angel... get better soon. :great:


Vivian glad you had a great day with steve and the family. Too bad we couldn't punch jerks like the one you had... I'd pay to see that :lol:


Ok take care,



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