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Back those songs up, there is a back up button on itunes you can use a blank dvd or cd, DvD is better cause they hold more songs.



You already are the epitome of coolness so I say buy the sneakers and to heck with everyone else. But don't forget about your mixer!




  • Site Administrator


I’m supposed to have, maybe, who the hell knows, jury duty this week. I don’t mind doing this; after all it’s my civic duty. But I’m not a fan of the way they arrange things. See I don’t know from day to day if I have to go to court or not. The way the system works, I have to call the night before. So I don’t really know until after 5 pm each day what I’m doing the next day. That bugs me to no end. I’d just as soon be required to go for a couple of definite days than have everything so up in the air.


If it makes you feel any better, the one time I was called up for jury duty (twenty years ago here in Australia), I had to go through the same thing. Three days I had to ring up, and each day I got an recorded messages saying I wasn't needed.


As for the Mom handbook -- I didn't think it was written by or for teenagers... :P

Lucy Kemnitzer


Get the shoes. Moms get frogs. Frogs are mom things.


It's like those sweatshirts with puppies or birds on them, but much better, and still very momlike.

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