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I did not send you Hot Pictures of Brittany Spears!

Alright. Seriously. I had an AOL account a while back, and while I was going through the hell of getting rid of the service, I decided to keep the AOL mailbox, which they let you keep nowadays without having to pay 30 bucks a month...


anyway, I check it maybe once every few months, or when I remember, which can be even less frequently. I checked today, and it looks like someone has jacked my AOL address. Don

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Lucy Kemnitzer


I thoroughly love the environment of this story. I'm a little annoyed with Travis: I want him to spill his guts soon, at least to himself. And is Owen's problem not really that Aiden dumped him but that he doesn't feel like he's worthy of anybody at all?


In the first story I felt about Aiden as Owen did, I think -- that he was just the perfect guy, you know? and now I'm kind of mad at him, but I can't quite pinpoint his crime (no, I don't think it's the Owen thing, or at least not entirely or not all of the Owen thing).


I do get the thing with Owen and Dennis, on some level or another.


Sorry you're working so hard, but I imagine you'll be glad of it later when your ridiculous climate sidelines you for weeks at a time.

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